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March 13, 1958

Dear Mrs. Halpert,

Following our correspondence and conversations refering to the watercolor by Toulouse-Lautrec "Au Cafe" which you acquired about thirty years ago from Hauke and Co., it gives me pleasure to advise you that I have just received a letter dated March 12th from Mr. C.M. deHauke, at present in the United States, from which I am quoting: -

"My dear Germain,
.....The Lautrec watercolor.....was acquired by the Corporation from Reid and Lefevre & Co. in London with a full pedigree.  At the time of the sale to Mrs Halpert by de Hauke & Co., the pedigree was given to Mrs. Halpert, and in turn I believe Mrs. Halpert gave it to her customer.  I am enclosing herewith photograph of that watercolor, at the back of which Mrs. G. Dortu, who is the author of the forthcoming complete catalogue of the works of Lautrec, has ascertained that this watercolor would be mentioned in the catalogue, adding also some useful information concerning that work."

With this letter I am forwarding to you the original photograph mentioned above as well as a photostat of the verso bearing Madame Dortu's endorsement.  In view of the importance of this document I would be much obliged to you for [[underline]] returning this original to me [[/underline]], keeping the photostat for your files.

I feel certain that the above - a confirmation of what you already know -- as well as the all important statement made by Madame Dortu will give full satisfaction to you and to your client and that you will be able to consider this a closed chapter.

You are no doubt posted about the competence of Madame Dortu in all matters pertaining to the oeuvre of Toulouse-Lautrec.

With personal regards,

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Mrs. R. Halpert
The Downtown Gallery
32 East 51st Street
New York 22, New York