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December 10, 1957

Dear Cesar,

Do have my thanks for your letter of December 2nd which I had dispaired of receiving, the more so as a couple of days before its arrival, Mrs. Halpert inquired whether I had heard from you.

Let me say however that I immediately communicated with her requesting a photograph as well as the dimensions of the discussed watercolor, as per your indications.  As soon as they will be in my possession, I will forward them on to you, and this with an additional information I can gather from the de Hauke and Company books, though I have already imparted to you the results of my research.

I too regret that cour correspondence is not of a brighter nature, but am I the only one to bear such a blame?

Be this as it may, I am happy to learn of your manifold activities and of the success they convey.  Should I not have an opportunity of writing again before the turn of the year, I do want to send you my heartiest wishes for a continuous prosperity and good health.

With cordial thoughts,


Germain Seligman

Monsieur C.M. de Hauke
14 rue du Cherche-Midi
Paris VI, France

^[[handwritten signature?]]