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16. July 1929

Dear Mr. Jucker, 

We have discussed with Mr. SELIGMANN the suggested changes in the offices of DE HAUKE & Co Inc. at 9 East 5Ist Street, and principally because of the lack of storage space in the present reserve room.- and the great inconvenience of taking valuable pictures from the reserve across the red room and through the door into the grey room.- Mr. SELIGMANN has agreed to the changes on the rough sketch enclosed.

Mainly the arrangement consists of giving up the library in exchange for the red room, and making such alterations as are marked in red ink on the sketch enclosed; and after you have examined them, will you please consult with Mr. Wilson and ask him to forward to Mr. Seligmann an estimate of the cost of this work.

An explanation of the changes is as follows:

The door that is now between the grey room and the red room is to be removed and the wall completed (Number one of the plan).

The walls between the closets are to be taken down up to the point marked A, making a large storage room for our stock of pictures. (Number two on the plan).

A new wall is to be built at point A to point B, making a passage way between our new offices and the picture room. 

The wall of the closet that now faces the hall, will remain as it is to point "C",- but should be removed at point D, and a new door to the picture room should go at point E.

The closet door of the present library is to be removed and the space filled in to make a full wall. (Point three of the plan). A door is to be placed at F, which will be at the end of the passage way to the picture room.