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16. July
Mr. Jucker 
Page 2

The present library is to be divided in half, by a wall, the mantel piece removed, and a door put at point H,- to communicate between the two small offices that are thereby made.

You will, we know, appreciate the advantages of these changes, it enables customers to be shown directly into the picture room without going into the offices,- the bookkeeping and stonography are separate by themselves,- and a small private office gained for Mr. De Hauke to receive people, undisturbed by the typewriting or telephone conversation. 

We feel you can understand the suggested changes from this sketch and details herewith, and trust you can soon send to Mr. SELIGMANN an estimate for this work. If it is acceptable, the answer can be cabled to you, and the work immediately begun.

Thanking you for your co-operation in this matter, believe me to be. 

yours respectfully