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October 19, 1926

New York Telephone Co.,
Box 22, Station N,
New York City.

Dear Sirs:     
[[underlined]]Attention of Mr. Wright.[[/underlined]]

We called to your attention sometime ago that a different number had been attached to the telephone of Mr. C. M. de Hauke than the one which was agreed upon according to your confirmation in writing. 

The number which should be on the telephone is -- PLAZA [[underlined]] 3531 [[/underlined]] and not PLAZA 3436. 

We called you up repeatedly about this matter and you informed us that the correction would be made promptly. 

Mr. de Hauke will arrive Friday from Europe, and will make immediate use of the 'phone, so we would ask you again to please have that change made at once, as otherwise, the 'phone could not be used. 

The number PLAZA [[underlined]] 3531 [[/underlined]] has been advertised by Mr. de Hauke to his clients as this is a necessity in this business. 

Thanking you for you prompt attention, we are
Very truly yours,