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[F 56 ENCL] Halifax N.C. Oct 8th/66 I certify that 2nd Lieut. Jno. M. Foote VRC, is now labouring under an attack of Jaundice, consequent upon recent Bilious Remmittent Fever, & I respectfully recommend a change of residence, as necessary to restorative to health. In my honest opinion, he is unfit for the duties of his Office at this present time- Respectfully submitted W.H. Hill Attending Physician State of North Carolina } Halifax County } Office of County Court Clerk October 8th 1866. I, John [[T? L?]] Gregory Clerk of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify, that W H Hill whose genuine signature appears to the foregoing Certificate, is now and was at the time of the signing of the same, a regular, practicing Physician, of excellent standing as such in this community, [[strikethrough]] as such, [[/strikethrough]] and that full faith and credit are due to