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great many cases to adjudicate.  For the greater convenience of the people, I have appointed a citizen at Tawboro, to attend to cases near the county-site, and shall appoint one of the respective courthouses of Halifax & Nash counties. I hold myself responsible for the acts of these men and shall keep a super-vision over them.

It is a universal complaint in the counties of my Agency that none of the freedmen will contract for another year.  From some detectives in my service, I learn that this arises from a belief that prevails universally among them, that the Lands are to be divided among them another year.  This impression is derived from the Union soldiers.  I regard as very important that this impression should be removed.  Otherwise I fear mischief will result from it.  It is already seriously interfering with the spirit of enterprise which moves the people,  and greatly retarding the operations for another year.  I am urged by many of our best citizens, to suggest to you the propriety of publishing a circular to disabuse their minds of this idea.  If you shall recognize the necessity of so doing,  I shall be pleased to receive a goodly number of such circulars, and give them all the publicity possible.  Among my former