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Hillsboro N.C.
Oct. 11th 1865.

I hereby certify that the following named black children, towit John, Benjamith, Ann Eliza, and Janette, ranging from fourteen down to ten years of age, were my property and in my service at this place, at the date of the order of emancipation; and have since continued here with the approbation of their parents, who were also my property, and are now in my employment, at plantations west of the Catawba river, beyond Charlotte.  It is now desired to send them to their parents to be taken care of by them.  They are not worth wages beyond food & clothing with which they have been supplied, and have no means to pay the expenses of their journey.  I respectfully ask that they be allowed transportation by Railroad from Hillsboro to Charlotte.  I will see that they have conveyance the remainder of the way, being some 15 to 25 miles.

W.A. Graham

Col. E. Whittlesey
&c &c. Raleigh