Viewing page 4 of 114

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] October 4, 1895 [[/underline]]
Examination of plates for suspected variable near S Cephei
  Comparison stars for S Cephei 21h 36.5m +78 degrees 10' marked on Plates C 6365 and I 9463
Copied from chart of Professor Mendell
[[insert image of star field]]

Plate I 1552 taken Aug. 1, 1890
p 1 v
V = .2

Plate I 1590 taken
V = .2
p = .2

Plate I 1927 taken Oct. 1, 1890
V = .2

Plate I 1930 taken Oct. 1, 1890
v n.s.
p n.s.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]]
October 4, 1895

Plate I 4031, taken Aug. 18, 1891
v = .2
x = .2?

[[strikethrough]] Plate C 390[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]7 taken [[/strikethrough]]
Plate C 3994 taken Sept. 24, 1891
V n.s.
p n.s.

Plate C 4056 taken Oct. 15, 1891
v = .2
p = .2
q 1 v

Plate C 4070 taken Oct. 17, 1891

Plate C 4139 taken Nov. 3, 1891

Plate I 6909 taken Sept. 7, 1892
p = .2
v n.s.
[[end page]]