Viewing page 18 of 114

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[[preprinted]] 32 [[/preprinted]]
Supersided - See p. 79ff
November 6, 1895

a b (c) e (d) f g g' n (l) n' ^[[o']] (o) = q r s t u w

Plate I 81 taken Nov. 5, 1889
[[strikethrough]] 10.04 [[/strikethrough]] 10.24 n' 1v 10.14  9.90 = 10.02  .12 .12
9.90 v5o' 10.40

Plate I 424 taken Jan. 3, 1890
10.40 o'4v 10.80 10.82 = 10.81 .01 .01
10.82 v1o 10.92

Plate I 1377

Plate 1529 taken July 27, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g7v [[strikethrough]] 9.35 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56 [[strikethrough]] 9.12 [[/strikethrough]] 9.46 = [[strikethrough]] 9.24 [[/strikethrough]] 9.51 [[strikethrough]] .12 .11 .11 .12  [[/strikethrough]] .05 .05
[[strikethrough]] 9.12 [[/strikethrough]] 9.46 v1g' [[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56

Plate I 1588 taken Aug. 4, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g7v [[strikethrough]] 9.35 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56 [[strikethrough]] 9.12 [[/strikethrough]] 9.46 = [[strikethrough]] 9.24 [[/strikethrough]] 9.51 [[strikethrough]] .11 .12 [[/strikethrough]] .05 .05
[[strikethrough]] 9.12 [[/strikethrough]] 9.46 v1g' [[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56

Plate I 1670 taken Aug. 24, 1890
vog [[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86

Plate I [[strikethrough]] 1785 [[/strikethrough]] 1805 taken Sept. [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 5, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 7.86 [[/strikethrough]] 7.84 f5v [[strikethrough]] 8.36 [[/strikethrough]] 8.34 [[strikethrough]] 8.56 [[/strikethrough]] 8.73 = [[strikethrough]] 8.46 [[/strikethrough]] 8.54 [[strikethrough]] .10 .10 [[/strikethrough]] .20 .19
[[strikethrough]] 8.56 [[/strikethrough]] 8.73 v1h [[strikethrough]] 8.66 [[/strikethrough]] 8.83

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[[preprinted]] 33 [[/preprinted]]


November 7, 1895

Plate I 1911 taken Sept. 30, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 7.86 [[/strikethrough]] 7.84 f3v [[strikethrough]] 8.16 [[/strikethrough]] 8.14 [[strikethrough]] 8.36 [[/strikethrough]] 8.53 = [[strikethrough]] 8.26 [[/strikethrough]] 8.34 [[strikethrough]] .10 .10 [[/strikethrough]] .20 .19
[[strikethrough]] 8.36 [[/strikethrough]] 8.53 v3h [[strikethrough]] 8.66 [[/strikethrough]] 8.83

Plate I 1952 taken Oct. 8, 1890
V n.s  V < [[strikethrough]] 7.66 [[/strikethrough]] 8.06
[[margin]] very dark plate [[/margin]]
[[strikethrough]] 7.86 [[/strikethrough]] 7.84 f = .2

Plate I 1987 taken Oct. 14, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 7.86 [[/strikethrough]] 7.84 f3v [[strikethrough]] 8.16 [[/strikethrough]] 8.14 [[strikethrough]] 8.36 [[/strikethrough]] 8.53 = [[strikethrough]] 8.26 [[/strikethrough]] 8.34 [[strikethrough]] .10 .10 [[/strikethrough]] .20 .19
[[strikethrough]] 8.36 [[/strikethrough]] 8.53 v3h [[strikethrough]] 8.66 [[/strikethrough]] 8.83

Plate I 2053 taken Oct. 22, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 7.86 [[/strikethrough]] 7.84 f4v [[strikethrough]] 8.06 [[/strikethrough]] 8.24 [[strikethrough]] 8.56 [[/strikethrough]] 8.73 = [[strikethrough]] 8.31 [[/strikethrough]] 8.48 [[strikethrough]] .25 .25 [[/strikethrough]] .24 .25
[[strikethrough]] 8.56 [[/strikethrough]] v1h [[strikethrough]] 8.66 [[/strikethrough]] 8.83

Plate I 2122 taken Oct. 31, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 7.86 [[/strikethrough]] 7.84 f4v [[strikethrough]] 8.06 [[/strikethrough]] 8.24 [[strikethrough]] 8.56 [[/strikethrough]] 8.73 = [[strikethrough]] 8.31 [[/strikethrough]] 8.48 [[strikethrough]] .25 .25 [[/strikethrough]] .24 .25
[[strikethrough]] 8.56 [[/strikethrough]] 8.73 v1h [[strikethrough]] 8.66 [[/strikethrough]] 8.83

Plate I 2354 taken Nov. 26, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g4v [[strikethrough]] 9.05 [[/strikethrough]] 9.26 [[strikethrough]] 8.92 [[/strikethrough]] 9.26 = [[strikethrough]] 8.98 [[/strikethrough]] 9.26 [[strikethrough]] .07 .06 [[/strikethrough]] .00 .00
[[strikethrough]] 8.92 [[/strikethrough]] 9.26 v3g [[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56

Plate 2358 taken Nov. 27, 1890
[[strikethrough]] o'3v  v3q [[/strikethrough]]
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