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[[preprinted]] 36 [[/preprinted]]

[[underline]] Superseded [[/underline]]

[[strikethrough]] January [[/strikethrough]] November 7, 1895.

Plate I 2 [[strikethrough]] 79 [[/strikethrough]] 977 taken Feb. 4, 1891
10.40 o'1v 10.50 10.45 = 10.49 .01 .01
10.48 v4 [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]] 10.92

Plate C 3416 taken Feb. 6, 1891
10.40 o'2v 10.60 10.58 = 10.59 .01 .01
10.58 v3q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]] 10.92

Plate C 3417 taken Feb. 6, 1891
[[margin]] trails. Differences very distinct [[/margin]]
10.40 o' [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 4v 10.80 10.48 = 10.64 .16 .16
10.48 v4q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]]10.92

Plate C 3422 taken Feb. 10, 1891
10.40 o'4v 10.80 10.58 = 10.69 .11 .11
10.58 v3q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]]10.92

Plate C 3423 taken Feb. 10, 1891
10.40 o'5v 10.90 10.48 = 10.69 .21 .21
10.48 v4q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]]10.92

Plate I 3224 taken March 2, 1891
[[margin]] q may be hidden by a defect in the plate. Dark plate [[/margin]]
v = .1
q n.s.

Plate C 3543 taken March 7, 1891
v0q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]] 10.92

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[[preprinted]] 37 [[/preprinted]]

[[underline]] Superseded [[/underline]]

November 7, 1895

Plate I 3885 taken July 21, 1891
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g4v [[strikethrough]] 9.05 [[/strikethrough]] 9.26 [[strikethrough]] 8.82 [[/strikethrough]] 9.16 = [[strikethrough]] 8.97 [[/strikethrough]] 9.21 [[strikethrough]] .11 .12 [[/strikethrough]] .05 .05
[[strikethrough]] 8.82 [[/strikethrough]]9.16 v4g' [[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56

Plate C 3929 taken Sept. 3, 1891
[[margin]] Images double [[/margin]]
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g5v [[strikethrough]] 9.15 [[/strikethrough]] 9.36 [[strikethrough]] 8.82 [[/strikethrough]] 9.16 = [[strikethrough]] 8.98 [[/strikethrough]] 9.26 [[strikethrough]] .17 .16 [[/strikethrough]] .10 .10

Plate C 3955 taken Sept. 9, 1891
[[margin]] Images poor [[/margin]]
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g1v [[strikethrough]] 8.75 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 [[strikethrough]] 8.62 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 = [[strikethrough]] 8.68 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 [[strikethrough]] .07 .06 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 8.62 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 v6g' [[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56

Plate C 3960 taken Sept. 10, 1891
[[margin]] Images poor [[/margin]]
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g2v [[strikethrough]] 8.85 [[/strikethrough]] 9.06 [[strikethrough]] 8.72 [[/strikethrough]] 9.06 = [[strikethrough]] 8.78 [[/strikethrough]] 9.06 [[strikethrough]] .07 .06 [[/strikethrough]] .00 .00

Plate C 3966 taken Sept. 14, 1891
[[margin]] Images double [[/margin]]
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g1v [[strikethrough]] 8.75 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 [[strikethrough]] 8.92 [[/strikethrough]] 9.26 = [[strikethrough]] 8.84 [[/strikethrough]] 9.11 .09 .08^[[.15 .15]]
[[strikethrough]] 8.92 [[/strikethrough]] 9.26 v3g' [[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56

Plate I 4366 taken Sept. 26, 891
[[margin]] Corner of plate [[/margin]]
[[strikethrough]] 8.68 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g1v [[strikethrough]] 8.75? [[/strikethrough]] 8.96
v = .2
g' n.s.

Plate I 4478 taken Oct. 8, 1891
[[strikethrough]] 8.65 [[/strikethrough]] 8.86 g1v [[strikethrough]] 8.75 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 [[strikethrough]] 8.62 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 = [[strikethrough]] 8.68 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 [[strikethrough]] .07 .06 [[/strikethrough]] .00 .00
[[strikethrough]] 8.62 [[/strikethrough]] 8.96 v6g' [[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56
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