Viewing page 58 of 116

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[[preprinted]] 112 [[/preprinted]]

February 24, 1896 

R Aurigae cont.
Plate C 6711 taken April 25, 1894

[[margin]] I was informed that this plate was useless, but Mrs Wells brought it to me & it proves very good. April 2, 1896 [[/margin]]
Plate C 6765 taken May 8, 1894 [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Plate C 6856 taken June 21, 1894 [[/strikethrough]]

Plate C 7022 taken Sept. 11, 1894
v 0 0 ^[[12.10]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 74 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[83]] v=12.10

Plate C 7043 taken Sept. 23, 1894
^[[12.10]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 74 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[83]] 0 5 v ^[[12.60]] 11.[[strikethrough]] 24 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[33]] ? v=12.60?
p n.s.

Plate C 7044 taken Sept. 23, 1894 ^[[12.10]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 74 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[83]] 0 5 v ^[[12.60]] 11.[[strikethrough]] 24 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[33]] ^[[13.14]] 11.[[strikethrough]] 35 [[/strikethrough]] 38 ^[[v=12.87]] r=11.[[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[36]] ^[[27]] [[strikethrough]] .06 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[03]] ^[[27]] [[strikethrough]] .05 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[02]]
^[[13.14]] 11.[[strikethrough]] 35 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[38]] v 1 p ^[[13.24]] 11.[[strikethrough]] 45 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[48]]

Plate C 7106 taken Oct. 14, 1894
v 0 p ^[[13.24]] 11.[[strikethrough]] 45 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[48]] v=13.24

Plate I 11867 taken Nov. 11, 1894
v 0 r ? ^[[13.74]] [[strikethrough]] 12.03 [[/strikethrough]] ? ^[[11.64]] v=13.74?
Images very faint

Plate I 11908 taken Nov. 15, 1894
^[[13.44]] 11.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 52 q2v ? ^[[13.64]] 11.[[strikethrough]] 82 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[72]] ? v=13.64 ?
[[margin]] Images very faint [[/margin]]
r n.s.

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[[preprinted]] 113 [[/preprinted]]

February 24, 1896

Plate C 7228 taken Nov. 16, 1894
v0r ^[[13.74]] [[strikethrough]] 12.03 [[/strikethrough]] 11.64 v=13.74

Plate C 7340 taken Dec. 17, 1894
v n, s. ^[[v<13.3]] v<11.55
^[[13.24]] 11.4[[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[8]] p=.1

Plate C 7454 taken Jan. 23, 1895
v n.s, 
p n.s, ^[[v<11.9]] v<10.[[strikethrough]] 66 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[80]]
^[[11.62]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 36 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[50]] o=.3

Plate I 12296 taken Feb. 6, 1895
v 0 p ? ^[[13.24]] 11.4[[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[8]] v=13.24?
Images too faint to estimate accurately

Plate I 12299 taken Feb. 10, 1895
v 0 0 ^[[12.10]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 74 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[83]] v=12.10

Plate C 7548 taken Feb. 20, 1895
^^[[11.62]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 36 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[50]] 0 1 v ^[[11.72]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 46 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[60]] ^[[11.[[strikethrough]] 76 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[80]]]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 44 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[53]] ^[[v=11.16]] v=10.[[strikethrough]] 45 [[/strikethrough]]  ^[[56]] ^[[ ^[[04 04]] .04 03]] [[strikethrough]] .01 .01[[/strikethrough]]
^[[11.80]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 44 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[53]] v 3 0 ^[[12.10]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 74 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[83]]

Plate C 7600 taken March 5, 1895
^[[11.32]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[20]] n 2 v ^[[11.52]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[40]] ^[[11.32]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 06 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[20]] ^[[v=11.42]] v=10.[[strikethrough]] 2]] ^[[30 [[strikethrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]]]] ^[[10]] [[strikethrough]] .12 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10]] ^[[10]] [[strikethrough]] .12 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10]]
^[[11.32]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 06 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[20]] v 3 0 ^[[11.62]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 36 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[50]]

Plate C 7648 taken March 30, 1895
^[[10.68]] 9.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[73]] K 3 v ^[[10.98]] [[strikethrough]] 9.82 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10.03]] ^[[11.22]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 00 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10]] ^[[v=11.10]] r=[[strikethrough]] 9.91 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10.06]] ^[[12]] [[strikethrough]] .09 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[03]] ^[[12]] [[strikethrough]] .09 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[04]]
^[[11.22]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 00 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10]] v 1 n ^[[11.32]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[20]]

Plate C 7649 taken March 30, 1895
^[[10.68]] 9.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[73]] K 2 v ^[[10.88]] 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[93]] ^[[11.12]] [[strikethrough]] 9.90 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10.00]] ^[[v=11.00]] v=9.[[strikethrough]] 81 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[96]] ^[[12]] [[strikethrough]] .09 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[.03]] ^[[12]] [[strikethrough]] .09 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[04]]
^[[11.12]] [[strikethrough]] 9.90 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10.00]] v 2 n ^[[11.32]] 10.[[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[20]]

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