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February 12, 1896   S Persei cont.

Plate C 7004 taken Aug. 21, 1894
11.06 k1v 10.16 9.98 v = 10.07 .09 .09
9.98 v5l 10.48

Plate I 11640 taken Oct. 14, 1894
[[margin]] Extreme edge of plate [[/margin]]
10.06 k2v 10.26? 10.08 v = 10.17? .09 .09
10.08 v4l 10.48

Plate I 11641 taken Oct. 14, 1894
[[margin]] Extreme edge of plate [[/margin]]
10.06 k3v 10.36 10.18 v = 10.27 .09 .09
10.18 v3l 10.48

Plate C 7115 taken Oct. 16, 1894
10.06 k3v 10.36 10.18 v = 10.27 .09 .09
10.18 v3l 10.48

Plate I 11752 taken Oct. 19, 1894
[[margin]] Extreme edge of plate; images very poor [[/margin]]
10.06 k3v 10.36 10.18 = 10.27 .09 .09
10.18 v3l 10.48

Plate I 11766 taken Oct. 20, 1894
10.06 k3v 10.36 10.18 v = 10.27 .09 .09
10.18 v3l 10.48

Plate I 11822 taken Nov. 7, 1894
[[margin]] Extreme edge of plate [[/margin]]
10.06 k2v 10.26 10.08 v = 10.17 .09 .09
10.08 v4l 10.48

Plate C 7223 taken Nov. 12, 1894
10.06 k3v 10.36 10.28 = 10.32 .04 .04
10.28 v2l 10.48

Plate C 7224 taken Nov. 12, 1894
10.06 k4v 10.46 10.28 v = 10.37 .09 .09
10.28 v2l 10.48

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February 12, 1896

Plate C 7229 taken Nov. 16, 1894
10.06 k5v 10.56 10.38 = 10.47 .09 .09
10.08 v1l 10.48

Plate I 12081 taken Dec. 15, 1894
[[margin]] Extreme edge of plate [[/margin]]
v0l 10.48

Plate C 7339 taken Dec. 17, 1894
10.48 l1v 10.58 10.47 v = 10.52 .06 .06
10.47 v4m 10.87

Plate I 12185 taken Jan. 2, 1895
[[margin]] Extreme edge [[/margin]]
10.48 l1v 10.58 10.47 v = 10.52 .06 .05
10.47 v4m 10.87

Plate I 12187 taken Jan. 2, 1895
[[margin]] Edge of plate [[/margin]]
10.48 l1v 10.58 10.47 v = 10.52 .06 .05
10.47 v4m 10.87

Plate C 7453 taken Jan. 23, 1895
10.48 l2v 10.68 10.47 v = 10.58 .10 .11
10.47 v4m 10.87

Plate C 7486 taken Feb. 5, 1895
10.48 l4v 10.88 10.67 v = 10.78 .10 .11
10.67 v2m 10.87

Plate C 7487 taken Feb. 5, 1895
10.48 l4v 10.88 10.67 v = 10.78 .10 .11
10.67 v2m 10.87

Plate C 7547 taken Feb. 20, 1895
10.48 l4v 10.88 10.67 v = 10.78 .10 .11
10.67 v2m 10.87

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