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[[preprinted]] 76 [[/preprinted]]

February 12, 1896 S Persei cont.

Plate [[strikethrough]] C [[/strikethrough]] I 13796 taken Nov. 6, 1895
[[margin]] Corner of plate. Images almost too poor [[/margin]]
10.87 m2v ? 11.07?
m' not seen

Plate C 8471 taken Nov. 11, 1895
[[strikethrough]] m3v [[/strikethrough]] 10.87 m4v 11.27 10.86 v = 11.06 .20 .20
[[strikethrough]] v6m' [[/strikethrough]] 10.86 v6n 11.46

Plate C 8 [[strikethrough]] 595 [[/strikethrough]] 477 taken Nov. 15, 1895
[[strikethrough]] m4v [[/strikethrough]] 10.87 m0v 11.17 10.96 v = 11.06 .11 .10
[[strikethrough]] v5m' [[strikethrough]] 10.96 v5n 11.46

Plate C 8595 taken Dec. 16, 1895
v0m 10.87

Plate C 8696 taken Dec. 31, 1895
v0l ? 10.48?

There is a defect in the film which makes the exact magnitude of l a trifle uncertain.

After the constant for the plate had been found and the magnitude of the ^[[comparing]] stars deduced, I found that I had neglected to measure m'. It was so close to the value of [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] n, however as to be rather superfluous. I have accordingly [[strikethrough]] been [[/strikethrough]] gone over all the plates upon which m' was used, making an entirely independent estimate from a list of such plates on a separate sheet of paper.

Plate C 8866 taken Feb. 20, 1896
[[margin]] [[strikethrough]] Feb. 20 [[/strikethrough]] Mar. 10, 1896 [[/margin]]
v n.s.
f = .1

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[[preprinted]] 77 [[/preprinted]]

[[underline]] February 13, 1896 [[/underline]]

Estimates of the brightness of T Persei

Plate B96 taken Nov. 2, 1885
v0k' 10.15

Plate B 103 taken Nov. 3, 18 [[strikethrough]] 9 [[strikethrough]] 85
v0k' 10.15

Plate B 1979 taken Dec. 1, 1887
9.98 [[strikethrough]] h [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]] [[/strikethrough]] theta 4v 10.38 10.05 = 10.22 .16 .17
10.05 vik' 10.15

Plate B 2068 taken Dec. 19, 1887
v0k' 10.15

Plate I 36 taken Oct. 10, 1889
v0 [[strikethrough]] h [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] [[/strikethrough]] theta 9.83

Plate I 60 taken Oct. 17, 1889
9.30 h5v 9.80 9.73 = 9.76 .04 .04
9.73 v1 [[strikethrough]] h [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] [[/strikethrough]] theta 9.83

Plate I 147 taken Nov. 17, 1889
[[margin]] Corner of plate. Images very poor [[/margin]]
v0 [[strikethrough]] h [[subscript]] 1 [[/subscript]] [[/strikethrough]] theta 9.83

Plate I 1772 taken Sept. 1, 1890
[[margin]] Very poor images, corner of plate [[/margin]]
v0 [[strikethrough]] h [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]] [[/strikethrough]] theta ? 9.98

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