Viewing page 70 of 116

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 136 [[/preprinted]]

Reduced Dec. 19, 1914

February 28, 1896

R Lyncis cont.
Plate C 5451 taken March 20, 189[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]3
11.26^[[12.24]] O^[[= 02]] 3 V 11.56^[[12.54]] 11.[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]36 V = 11.46 .10 [[underlined]].10[[/underlined]]
11.36^[[*]] V 3 p 11.66

Plate C 5452 taken March 20, 189[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]3
11.26^[[12.24]] O^[[= 02]] 3 V 11.56^[[12.54]] 11.36 V = 11.46 .10 [[underlined]].10[[/underlined]]
11.36^[[*]] V 3 p 11.66

Plate C 5508 taken April 19, 189[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]3
10.62^[[11.15]] [[strikethrough]]m[[/strikethrough]]k 1 V 10.72^[[11.25]] 10.53^[[11.31]] V = 10.62^[[11.28]] .10^[[ [[underlined]]03[[/underlined]] ]] .09^[[03]]
10.53^[[11.31]] V 4 O^[[= o']] 10.93^[[11.71]]

Plate C 5625 taken June 26, 1893
v 0 g 9.42^[[9.79]]

[[left margin]]
A very poor plate
[[/left margin]]
Plate C 5652 taken July 2, 1893
v n.s.   v < 9.52^[[9.89]]
9.42^[[9.79]] g = .1

[[left margin]] 
Images scarcely visible 
[[/left margin]] 
Plate C 6035 taken Oct. 7, 1893 
[[right margin]]
Reject. See Book 3[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]7:116
[[/right margin]]
v o r ?   11.98?^[[13.73?]]

Plate C 6036 taken Oct. 7, 1893
[[right margin]]
Reject. See Book 37:116 
[[/right margin]]
11.98^[[13.73]] r 1 v 12.08^[[13.83]] [[strikethrough]]9[[.strikethrough]]11.92^[[14.[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]12]] v = 12.00^[[ [[strikethrough]]14.02[[/strikethrough]]^[[13.98]] ]] .08 ^[[ [[strikethrough]]19[[/strikethrough]]^[[15]] ]] [[underlined]].08[[/underlined]]^[[ [[strikethrough]]20[[/strikethrough]]^[[14]] ]]
11[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]].92^[[14.[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]12]] v 3 s 12.22^[[14.42]]

Plate C 6105 taken Oct. 16, 1893
v n.s. v < 12.0[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]0^[[13.83]]
11.98^[[13.73]] r^[[=r']] < .1

[[left margin]] 
Obs. doubtful - Images barely seen - near edge of plate [[/left margin]]
Plate I 9802 taken Oct. 28, 1893
11.66^[[*]] p 1 v    V = 11.76?
r n.s.

*See note p. 132

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 137 [[/preprinted]]

Reduced 19, 1914

February 26, 1896

Plate I 9838 taken Oct. 30, 1893
[[left margin]] 
[[/left margin]] 
v [[strikethrough]]n.s.[[/strikethrough]] 0 r^[[=r']] 11.98?^[[13.73?]]
r < .1

Plate I 9862 Oct. 31, 1893
v 0 r^[[=r']]? 11.98?^[[13.73?]]

Plate I 9863 taken Oct. 31, 1893
v n.s,  v < 12.00^[[13.73]]
11.98^[[13.73]] r^[[=r']] < .1

Plate C 6244 taken Nov. 22, 1893
v n.s,  v < 11.86
11.66 p = .2

[[left margin]]
good plate 
[[/left margin]] 
Plate C 6245 taken Nov. 22, 1893
v 0 t 12.240^[[014.540]]

Plate I 10125 taken Dec. 4, 1893
v n.s.   v < 12.34^[[14.64]]
12.24^[[14.54]]   t = .1
Plate I 10195 taken Dec. 17, 189[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]3
v n.s.   v < 12.08^[[13.83]]
11.98^[[13.73]] r^[[=r']] = .1
Plate C 6373 taken Dec. 20, 189[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]3
v n.s   v < 12.44^[[14.74]]
12.24^[[14.54]] t = .2

[[left margin]] 
very dark plate 
[[/left margin]]
Plate I 10271 taken Dec. 23, 1893
11.26^[[12.24]] [[strikethrough]]v n.s.[[/strikethrough]] ^[[o^2 =]]o' 1 v v = 11.36?^[[12.34?]]
^[[o^2 =]]o' = .1
Reject. Not seen. See Book 37:116 Feb. 19, 1915.
[[end page]]