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Nebula of Orion. Measures of Brightness of Comparison Stars ^[Ref.. seq a...see also MC 6737]                          122-124

Nebula of Orion. Estimates of Brightness of Variables on A2156                                                  125-128
Nebula of Orion. Measures of Second Sequence of Comparison Stars^[a]^[2],b^[2],etc.              129-132
Nebula of Orion. Estimates of Brightness of Variables 133-143
Nebula of Orion. Measures of Position of 57           144
Nebula of Orion. 79,80,81,82,  with chart             145-148
Nebula of Orion. Remark on Plate A 5730               149
Nebula of Orion. 83, 84,                              149
Nebula of Orion. Remark on Position of  Bond 178, also of 528 and 537                                    150
Nebula of Orion. 83, 84, 22,                          151,152
Nebula of Orion. 84 a also Bond 801                   153
Nebula of Orion. Distribution of Variables            154,155
Examination of Plates for star at 6^h 55.1^m  +17^o  36.4^4 susp. by Prof. Wendill       156
Examination of Map of the Sky for Nebulous regions  157
Trifid Nebula                              158,159
Examination of Plates for DM- 1[[degree symbol]] 943 susp. by Mr. J.M. Barr                 160-161
Trifid Nebula                              162
Nebula of Orion-Central Region- variables susp. by Bond (with chart)                          163-170
Nebula of Orion. 84,    with chart                    171,172
Nebula of Orion. Dark Lanes examined             173,174
Scorpius-Uranus Plates Examination of Variables   175
Nebula 30 Doradus (Looped Neb. in Gr. Mag. Clouds)                                    176-181
eta Carinae, region near Exam. for Variables 182-185
Nebula of Orion {Measures of 7, 24, 31,36, 52, 60, 62, 66, 67, 46                             186-219
                {Observations of suspected variables 8, 1904 etc
Nebula of Orion. 90, with chart                       215

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