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[[preprinted]] 42 [[/preprinted]]
October 19, 1904

Measures to determine the position of Var.2 & 15 in Scorpius

Plate A 3632

|   | x | y | x | y | Var. 2 Diff x | Var. 2 Diff y | Var. 2 x4.33 | Var. 15 Diff x | Var. 15 Diff y { Var. 15 x4.33
Var. 2 | +8.80 | -21.90 | +8.80 | -21.95 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Var. 15 | +1.15 | -0.80 | +1.15 | -0.85 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
A | -9.75 ^[[-9.78]] | +5.65 ^[[+5.68 | -9.80 | + 5.70 | -18.60 | +27.6 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 1 | -80.54 | -10.93 | +6.5 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 1 | -47. [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 33
B | -10.20 | -15.05 | -10.20 | _15.05 | -19.02 | +6.8 [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 8 | - [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 82.36 | -11.35 | -14.2 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 2 | -49.10
C | [[strikethrough]] -24.35 [[/strikethrough]] +3.85 | -24.35 ^[[-24.32]] | +3.85 | -24.30 | -4.97 | -2. [[strikethrough]] 40 [[/strikethrough]] 39 | -21.52 | +2.70 | -23.4 [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 9 | +11.69
D | +12.75 | -22.20 | +12.75 | -22.20 | +3.93 | -0.2 [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 7 | +17.02 | +1 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 1.60 | -21.3 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 7 | +50.23
E | +14.05 ^[[+14.02]] | _1.10 | +14.00 | -1.10 | +5.20 | +20.8 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 3 | +22.52 | +12.87 | -0.2 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 7 | +55.73
Var. 2 | +8.85 | -21.95
Var. 15 | +1.15 | -0.85
Ann. Prec. in alpha 3.55s Prec 45 yrs = 159.8s = 2m 40s
"  "  " delta = 9.88"  "  "  " = -444.6" = 7.4'
Mean Var. 2 | +8.82 | -21.9 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 3
Mean Var. 15 | +1.15 | -0.8 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 3

sec delta = 1.082
4 sec delta = 4.328
a 16h 0m 51.5s -22 degrees 13.4' DM No. -22 4103
b 16 0 47.3 -22 34.3 DM No. -22 4101
c 16 1 48.0 -22 42.8 DM No. -22 4106
d 16 2 25.4 -22 41.5 DM No. -22 4108
e 16 2 33.0 -22 20.0 DM No. -22 4109

Var. 2 (c) [[equation]] (d) [[equation]]
Mean Pos. Var. 2 = 16h 2m 9.0s -22 degrees 40. [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 8' (1855)

Var. 15 (a) [[equation]]  (b) [[equation]]
mean Pos. Var. 15 = 16h 1m 37.5s -22 degrees 19.9' (1855)

Pos. of Var. 2 = 16h 4m 49s -22 degrees 48.2' (1900)
Pos. of Var. 15 = 16 4 18 -22 27.3 (1900)
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[[preprinted]] 43 [[/preprinted]]
October 19, 1904

Measures to determine the position of Var. 4 in Scorpius

Plate A 3632

|   | x | y | x | y | Diff x | Diff y | x4.27
Var. 4 | +2.75 | -1.20 | +2.75 | -1.20 |   |   |   |
A | -4.60 | +3.95 | -4.60 | +3.95 | -7.35 | +5.17 | -31.38
B | +5.75 | -7.00 | +5.75 | -7.00 | +3.00 | -5.78 | +12.81
C | +18.65 ^[[+18.62]] | +10.15 ^[[+10.18]] | +18.60 | +10.20 | +15.87 | +11.40 | +67.76
Var. 4 | +2.75 | -1.25
Mean Var. | +2.75 | -1.22

a | DM -20 4431  16 3 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 28.2 -20 27.4
b | -20 4433 16 4 10.0 -20 39.1
c | -20 4140 16 5 5.0 -20 21.9

sec delta = 1.067
4 sec delta = 4.268

(a) [[equation]] (b) [[equation]]
(c) [[equation]] 

Mean Pos. 16h 3m 58.0s; -20 degrees 33.1m (1855)
Ann. Prec in alpha = 3.51s Prec. 45 yrs = 157.0s = 2m 38s
"   "   " delta = -9.72'  "  "  "  " = 437.4" = -7.3'

Pos. of Var. 4  = 16h 6m 36s -20 degrees 40.4' (1900)