Viewing page 29 of 112

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[[preprinted]] 54 [[/preprinted]]

September 27, 1904

-15[[symbol-degree]] 4905 Cont
[[symbol-double check]] Plate AC 2568, May 20, 1902
10.[[strikethrough]] 82 [[/strikethrough]] 77 f2v 11.[[strikethrough]] 02 [[/strikethrough]] 97 11.3[[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 2? 11.[[strikethrough]] 20 [[/strikethrough]] 15 [[underline]] 18 [[/underline]] 17
vog 11.[[strikethrough]] 37 [[/strikethrough]] 32
L n.s.
Images very faint and poor

[[symbol - double check]] AM.1454, July 11, 1902 See also p. 72
10.[[strikethrough]] 54 [[/strikethrough]] 49 l1v 10.[[strikethrough]] 64 [[/strikethrough]] 59 10.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] 47 10.[[strike hrough]] 58 [[/strikethrough]] 53 06 [[underline]] 06 [[/underline]]
10.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] 47 v3f 10.[[strikethrough]] 82 [[/strikethrough]]77

[[symbol-double check]] B 16570 July 1,1896
9.[[strikethrough]] 94 [[/strikethrough]] 89 d2v 10.[[strikethrough]] 14 [[/strikethrough]] 09 10.[[strikethrough]] 24 [[/strikethrough]] 19 10.[[strikethrough]] 19 [[/strikethrough]] 14 [[underline]] 05 [[/underline]] 05
10.[[strikethrough]] 24 [[/strikethrough]] 19 v3l 10.[[strikethrough]] 54 [[/strikethrough]] 49

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 55 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] September 28,1904 [[/underline]]
Estimates of Brightness of -15 [[symbol-degree]] 4905 Cont.
Spectrum plates

[[symbol-double check]]B 21257, April 21, 1898
9.42 b1v 9.52 9.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] 47 9.50 [[strikethrough]] 00 00 [[/strikethrough]] 02 [[underline]] 03 [[/underline]]
9.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] 47 v2c 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67

[[symbol-double check]]B23025, June 10, 1899
9.[[strikethrough]] 94 [[/strikethrough]] 89 d4v 10.[[strikethrough]] 34 [[/strikethrough]] 29 10.[[strikethrough]] 44 [[/strikethrough]] 39 10.[[strikethrough]] 39 [[/strikethrough]] 34 [[underline]] 05 [[/underline]] 05
10.[[strikethrough]] 44 [[/strikethrough]] 39 v1l 10.[[strikethrough]] 54 [[/strikethrough]] 49

[[symbol-double check]]B22982, June 2, 1899
Spectra superposed

[[symbol-double check]]B 13802, June 20, 1895
9.42 f1v 9.52 9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 9.5[[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 4 [[strikethrough]] 05 05 [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] 02 [[/underline]] 03
9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 v1c 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67

[[symbol-double check]] B 13757, June 13, 1895
9.42 b2v 9.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] 62 9.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] 57 9.60 [[strikethrough]] 00 00 [[/strikethrough]] 02 [[underline]] 03 [[/underline]]
9.[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]] 57 v1c 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67

[[symbol-double check]]B 11352, June 1, 1894
Spectra superposed

[[symbol-double check]]B 11307, May 25, 1894 
9.42 b1v 9.52 9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 9.5[[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 4 [[strikethrough underline]] 05 [[/strikethrough underline]] [[underline]] 02 [[/underline]] 05 ^[[03]]
9.[[strike through]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 v1c 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67

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