Viewing page 31 of 112

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 58 [[/preprinted]]

September 28, 1904

-15[[symbol-degree]] 4905 Cont.

[[symbol-double check]] B5457, June 17, 1890
Too poor 

[[symbol-double check]] B8410, 
Too poor

[[symbol-double check]] B17285, Aug. 29, 1896
Spectra superposed

[[symbol-double check]] B7720
Too poor

[[symbol-double check]] B10099, Aug. 6, 1893
Spectra superposed 

[[strikethrough]]B8383 does not cover region[[/strikethrough]]
[[symbol-check]]B7711 Too poor

[[symbol-double check]] B14619, Sept. 13,1895
Reg. not on plate

[[symbol-double check]] B14620
Reg. not on plate

[[symbol-double check B8293
Too poor in reg. of var.

[[symbol-double check]] B20206 Aug 30, 1897
9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67 c 2 N <9.[[strikethrough]] 92 [[/strikethrough]] 87
Near edge of plate

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 59 [[/preprinted]]

September 28, 1904

-15[[symbol-degree]] 4905 cont.

[[symbol-double check]] B14392, Aug. 19, 1895
9.42 biv 9.52 9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 9.5[[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 7 [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] 05 [[/underline]] 05 [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] 02 [[/underline]] 03 
9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 v1c 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67
Near edge of plate 

[[strikethrough]] B11321, May 29, 1894 [[/strikethrough]]
Reg. not on plate

[[symbol-check]] B11363, June 2, 1894
Three exposures
Preceding exp. probably faint
Middle exp 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67 c2v? 9.[[strikethrough]] 92 [[/strikethrough]] 87 9.[[strikethrough]] 94 [[/strikethrough]] 89 9.[[strikethrough]] 93 [[/strikethrough]] 88 [[underline]] 01 [[/underline]] 01
v0d? 9.[[strikethrough]] 94 [[/strikethrough]] 89
e superposed with another spectrum

Last exp.
9.[[strikethrough]] 4? [[/strikethrough]] 67
[[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] c3v? 9.72 9.72 9.[[strikethrough]] 74 [[/strikethrough]] 67 9.[[strikethrough]] 73 [[/strikethrough]] 69? [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] 01 01 [[/underline]] 01 [[/strikethrough]] 9.69, 03, [[underline]] 02 [[/underline]] , [[underline]] 01 [[/underline]]
v0[[strikethrough]] c [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] ? 9.[[strikethrough]] 94 [[/strikethrough]] [[overwritten]] 72 [[/overwritten]] 67
9.94 v2d? 9.[[strikethrough]] 74 [[/strikethrough]] 89

The spectrum trailed.  While the observe times are open to some uncertainty, the variable is certainly faint.

[[symbol-check]] B8767,
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.62 00 00
9.62 v1c 9.72
Chart plate 

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