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[[preprinted]] 62 [[preprinted]]

September 28, 1904

-15[[symbol-degree]] 4905 Cont

[[symbol-double check]] B1377
Too poor

[[symbol-double check]] B700
Too poor

[[symbol-double check]] B697
Too poor
[[symbol-double check]] B688, 672, 631
Too poor

[[symbol-double check]] A803, Aug. 17, 1894
9.42 b1v 9.52 9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 9.5[[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 4 [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] 05 [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]][[underline]] 02 [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] 05  [[/strikethrough]] 03
9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 v/c 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67

[[symbol-double check]] A2652, Aug. 17, 1897
9.00 a4v 9.40 9.42. 9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 9.4[[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 6 [[strikethrough]]
[[/strikethrough]][[/underline]] 08 [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 06 [[underline]] [[/strikethrough]][[/underline]] 06 [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 04 [[underline]] [[/strikethrough]]
 14 [[strikethrough]] 11

v0b 9.42
9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 v1c 9.[[/strikethrough]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67

[[symbol-double check]] A4044, Oct. 13, 1899
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57 9.60 [[strikethrough]] 00 00 [[/strikethrough]] 02 [[underline]] 03 [[/underline]]
9.[[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 57
v1c 9.[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] 67

[[symbol-double check]] A3371, Oct.25, 1898
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.[[/strikethrough]] 62 [[strikethrough]] 57 [[/strike through]] 00 [[strikethrough]] [[/strike through]] 00 [[strikethrough]] 9.60 02 [[/underline]] 03 [[underline]]
9.[[/strike through]] 62 [[strikethrough]] 57 v1c 9.[[/strike through]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67

[[symbol-double check]] A2099
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.[[/strikethrough]] 62 [[strikethrough]] 57 [[/strike through]] 00 [[strikethrough]] [[/strike through]] 00 [[strikethrough]] 9.60 02 [[/underline]] 03 [[underline]]
9.[[/strike through]] 62 [[strikethrough]] 57 v1c 9.[[/strike through]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67

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[[preprinted]] 63 [[preprinted]]

Examination of Plates last seen Sept. 28 for -15 [[symbol-degree]] 4905

I32079 Sept. 28, 1904 S.T. 20^[[hr]] 17^[[m]] Exp. 13 G.M.T 12 ^[[h]] 33^[[m]]
9.[[/strike through]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67 c1v 9.[[/strike through]] 82 [[strikethrough]] 77 9.[[/strike through]] 84 [[strikethrough]] 79 9.[[/strike through]] 83 [[strikethrough]] 78 [[/underline]] 01 [[underline]] 01
9.[[/strike through]] 84 [[strikethrough]] 79 v1d 9.[[/strike through]] 94 [[strikethrough]] 89

I32078  20^[[hr]] 4^[[m?]] 10^[[m]] ?
9.42 b4v 9.82 9.[[/strike through]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67 9.[[/strike through]] 74 [[strikethrough]] 69 9.7[[/strike through]] 6 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 06 [[strikethrough]] 09 [[/strikethrough]][[/underline]] 04 [[underline]] [[strikethrough]][[/underline]] 06 [[underline]] [[/strikethrough]][[/underline]] 02 [[underline]] [[strikethrough]][[/underline]] 04 [[underline]]
v0c 9.[[/strike through]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67
9.[[/strike through]] 74 [[strikethrough]] 69 v2d 9.[[/strike through]] 94 [[strikethrough]] 89

I32081  20^[[hr]] 40^[[m]].  11
9.42 b4v 9.82 9.[[/strike through]] 74 [[strikethrough]] 69 9.[[/strike through]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67. 9.7 [[/strike through]] 6 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strike through]] 06 [[strikethrough]] 09 [[/strike through]] [[/underline]] 02 [[underline]]
 [[strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 04 [[underline]] [[/strike through]] [[/underline]] 04 [[underline]]
 [[strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 06 [[underline]]
v0c 9.[[/strike through]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67
9.[[/strike through]] 74 [[strikethrough]] 89 v2d 9.[[/strike through]] 94 [[strikethrough]] 89

I32084 21 18 14 G.M.T. 13 34
9.[[/strikethrough]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67 c1v 9.[[/strikethrough]] 82 [[strikethrough]] 77 9.[[/strikethrough]] 74 [[strikethrough]] 69 9.7[[/strikethrough]] 8 [[strikethrough]] 3 04 [[/underline]] 04 [[underline]]
9.[[/strikethrough]] 74 [[strikethrough]] 69 v2d 9.[[/strikethrough]] 94[[strikethrough]] 89

I32080 20 29 09
9.42 bv3 9.72 9.[[/strikethrough]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67 9.[[/strikethrough]] 74 [[strikethrough]] 69 [[/strikethrough]] 9.73 [[strikethrough]] 9.69 [[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 01 [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 02 [[underline]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 01 [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 03 [[underline]][[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 01 [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[/underline]] 01 [[underline]] 03 [[/underline]] 02 [[underline]] 00
v0c 9.[[/strikethrough]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67 
9.[[/strikethrough]] 94 [[strikethrough]] 69 v2d 9.[[/strikethrough]] 94 [[strikethrough]] 89

I32083 21 04 11
9.[[/strikethrough]] 72 [[strikethrough]] 67 c2v 9.[[/strikethrough]] 92 [[strikethrough]] 87 9.[[/strikethrough]] 84 [[strikethrough]] 79 9.8[[/strikethrough]] 8 [[strikethrough]] 3 04 [[/underline]] 04 [[underline]]
9.[[/strikethrough]] 84 [[strikethrough]] 79 v1d 9.[[/strikethrough]] 94 [[strikethrough]] 89

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