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October 24, 1904

Scorpius - Estimates of Brightness of Variables cont.

[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 30 Br A 2763, 5514, 5506           med 3632
Ft A 3690, 5687
On 2763  11.2
On 3690 13.1
No. 31 Br A 2763, 5514, 5506     med 5687
RX Scorpii Ft A 3690
On 2763 11.0
On 5514 10.6
On 3690 [[strikethrough]]13[[/strikethrough]] 12.9

No. 32 The star is probably not variable.  On Plate A 2763 a defect seems to occupy the precise position of the star, and a casual inspection would be likely to lead to its being taken for a star.

[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 33 Br A 2763, A5514 (med)
Ft A 396[[transposition symbol around 96 to indicate reverse order]]0 5687 (med)
On A 2763  12.3
On A 3690  15.5

[[checkmark]] No. 34 [[margin note]] Period apparently short [[/margin note]] Br A2763, 3526      med 5687, 3635, 3632
Ft A3690, 5514, 3634, 3531    med 3630[[0 superimposed over 4]
On 2763 12.3
On 3690 13.7

No. 35 Br A3690, 5514, 3227, 3634
Ft A2763
On A2763 13.6 On 3634 13.3
On 5514 13.5 On 3960 13.3
med 3630, 3635, 3531, 3632, 3526

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October 24, 1904  

Scorpius. Estimates of Brightness of Variables cont.

No. 35 cont.  The changes in this star seem to be real, but are too slight to be announced at present. Period probably short

[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 36 Br A2763, 3526  B9561
Ft A3690, 5514, 3531, 2768
On A2763 12.9
On 3526 12.5
Plate A3960 shows many more stars in this nebulous region than any other plate. It is not possible at present to study the faint stars of the region to advantage.

[margin]] RZ Scorpii Marked on Plate A5514 [[/margin]] 
[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 37   Br A5514 Am 2486, 643     A5687
Ft A3690 AM 904, [[underline]]909.9[[/underline]]    A2763
Med AM 1972
On AM 2486
On AM 909
On A5514 9.6
On A3690 9.7
On A2763 10.6

[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 38 Br A3635, 3634, 3227    med 3632
Ft A3690, 5514, 2763, 3630
On 3634 13.0
[[strikethrough]] On 31 [[/strikethrough]] 5514 13.6
Variation small, but well marked
Period apparently short

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