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[[preprinted]] 114 [[/preprinted]]  

October 25, 1904

Scorpius. Examination for Variables cont. from p. 106

Plate D10418 = A[[strikethrough]]3960[[/strikethrough]]3690
superposed with

No. 7 found
[[strikethrough]]New[[/strikethrough]] No new variable

Two new variables (41-42)

A3630 Two new variables (43 and 44) + one (45)
Also N Scorpio, Nos. 5, 6, 8, 9, 7, 19, 39, 41
Two strongly suspected

No new variables

No new variables

One new variable (46)
Nos. 2[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]] 9, 35 etc found

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 115 [[/preprinted]]

[[underline]] October 26, 1904 [[/underline]]

Scorpius. Estimates of Brightness of Variables

[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 41 Br A3690, 3531, 3526
Ft. A3228, 3227, 3630, 3634, 3635, 3632, 3230
On A3228 12.2  On A3531 11.6
On A3690 11.8  On A3230 12.3
Med A5514, 3182, 2763, 3312, 3308, 3304
The variation is well defined

[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 42 Br 3690, 3632, 3531, 5514, 3630, 3635, 2763, 3634
Ft 3227, 3228, 3230, 3312, 3304, 3308, [[strikethrough]]2526[[/strikethrough]]
On 3227 12.8
On 369[[with transposition symbol around 96 to indicate reverse order]]0 12.3
The range is small, but variation well marked.

[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 43 Br 3630, [[underlined]]3531[[/underlined]], 3632, 3312, 3635, [[underlined]]3304[[/underlined]], 3634, 3308
H 3690, 3228, 3227, 3230, 2763, 3182
On 3228 13.8
On 3304 13.0
Variation small

[[symbol - checkmark]] No. 44 Br A3630, 5514, 3635, [[underlined]]2768[[/underlined]], [[underlined]]3308[[/underlined]], [[underlined]]3304[[/underlined]], [[underlined]]2763[[/underlined]], 3312
H A3690, 3231, 3182, 3230, [[underlined]]3227[[/underlined]], 3228
On 2768 12.6 (?)
On 3308 12.0 (?)  On 3227 12.9
Need 3634, 3531, 3632
Measurement difficult on account of distance from sequence. Variation marked.