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Contents of Book XIII      |  Page

The Coal Sack - Region of. Examination for Variables  | 100, 102, 105, 119

Algol Var. [strikethrough] 63° 2632 [/strikethrough] -63°2485 (No. 27 Centauri) Also 28 Cent.   [strikethrough] 103, 104 [/strikethrough]

     Comparison Stars  |  103, 104

     Observations of Variables  | 106-118, 120-133, 145,151-169

The Southern Cross (Reg. of) Examination for Var.
      Comparison Stars   | 134-135

      New Variables    |   136-139

Map of the Sky  12^[h] - 60°

     New Variables   |  140-144, 146-150

     Nova Velorum   |  175-177 [strikethrough] 185-188 [/strikethrough]

The Pleiades   Estimate of No. of Stars on Plates  |  184

Map of the Sky  12^[h] - 60°

    Variables 25, 10, 15, 59, 32, 41, 68, 58, 65  |  185-188

New eyepieces - examination   |   189

The Pleiades  Examination of T¹ plates  |  190, 191

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