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The [[strikethrough]]Large[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Small]] Magellanic Cloud
     Measures to determine centre of plate A3393          99
     Cluster 147 Tucanae, Meas. to det. pos. of 4 vars.   100

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[[preprinted]] 3 [[/preprinted]]

Plate D11367 is a double contact plate from A3393, and Mr. Metcalf's reseau. The squares measure a centimetre on a side, or almost exactly 10' of arc.

The scale used has divisions of a third of a millimetre apart, and when used with these plates, each division has the radius of 20" ^[[of arc]]. [[strikethrough]]As[[/strikethrough]] Measures were made to tenths of a [[strikethrough]]degree[[/strikethrough]] ^[[division]], or intervals of 2 seconds. As the [[strikethrough]]rueaus[[?]][[/strikethrough]] ^[[differences]] of two measurements from opposite sides of the squares, is employed, however, the final results give single seconds. 

For method of reduction, see ^[[Annals]] Vol. 26, page 238. The method is modified only to suit the different scale, as a square is 600" on a side, and a division of Arc scale 20", for these plates.

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Transcription Notes:
Unsure of word that differences replaces