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Contents of Book XX H.S.L.

The Large Magellanic cloud. Measures to determine the position of new variables. 4-46, 52-55
1-13 p4; 14-30 p6;
31-50 p8; 44 p55; 51-100 p18,19
101-202 p21-24; 203-279 p25-27
280-304 p5; 305-321 p7
322-329 p9; 340-416 p10-12; 343 p53
417-494 p13-15; 495-544 p16,17
545-570 p20;
571-646 p28-30
647-739 p31-34
740-816 p35-37; 782 p53
817-894 p38-40
895-971 p41-43
972-1031 p44-46, 1034, 1035 p54
Measures to determine position of Catalogue Stars
sequences 1-5 47-51
Measures to determine position of suspected variables 94 and 388