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[[preprinted]] 26 [[/preprinted]]
April 19, 1906
Var. 12 in Carina
Plate A 2208

|   | x | y | x | y | Diff x | Diff y | 7.73x
Var. 12 | +1.40 | +0.60 |  |   |   |   |   |
16 | -1.70 | -0.35^[32] | -1.70 | -0.30 | -3.10 | -0.92 | -23.96
26 | +1.55 | +2.10 | +1.55 | +2.10 | [[strikethrough]] -2.95 [[/strikethrough]] +0.15 | +1.50 | +1.16
34 | +4.70 | -0.90 | +4.70 | -0.90 | +3.30 | -1.50 | +25.51
Var. 12 | +1.40 | +0.60 | +1.40 | +0.60
Mean Var. | +1.40 | +0.60

-58° 2316 | 10^[h] 29^[m] 43.0^[s] -58° 52.6' | 9.7 | sec delta = 1.933
2326 | 10 30 8.0 -58 50.1 | 9.8 4 sec delta = 7.732
2334 |    30 32.5    52.9 | 9.5 

[[formula]]   [[formula]]

Mean Position of Variable 12 = 10^[h] 30^[m] [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 6.9^[s] -58° 51.6 (1875)
Precession 25 years = +56^[s] -7.7'
Position of Var. 12 = 10^[h] 31^[m] 3^[s] -58° 59.3' (1900)
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[[preprinted]] 27 [[/preprinted]]
April 19, 1906
Var. 13 in Carina

Plate A 2208

|   | x | y | x | y | Diff x | Diff y | 7.63x
Var. 13 | -3.60 | +0.90 |   |   |   |   |   |
94 | -8.45^[42] | +0.90 | -8.40 | +0.90 | -4.82 | 0.00 | -36.78
20 | -2.15 | +2.35 | -2.15 | +2.35 | +1.45 | +1.45 | +11.06
29 | -1.00 | -3.65^[62] | -1.00 | -3.60 | +2.60 | -4.52 | +19.84
Var. 13 | -3.60 | +0.90 | -3.60 | +0.90
Mean Var. | -3.60 | +0.90

-58° 2394 | 10^[h] 32^[m] 11.0^[s] -58° 21.8' | 9.7 | sec delta = 1.908
-58 2420 | 10 32 58.5    20.1 | 9.4 | 4 sec delta = 7.632
-58 2429 |     33 9.0    26.0 | 9.9

[[formula]]   [[formula]]

Mean Position of Var. = 10^[h] 32^[m] 48.1^[s] -58° 21.6 (1875)
Prec. 25 years = +56^[s] -7.7'
Position of Var. 13 = 10^[h] 33^[m] 44^[s] -58° 29.3 (1900)