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Book XXII. H.S.L. Contents, continued. 
|||| Page. 
|Map of the Sky.||
|Region|36, 4^[[h]]-30°||117-119 89-96
||42, 16^[[h]]-30°||120-1 97-106
||30, 16^[[h]] 0°|Variables 294-319|122-135
|Bruce Plates, Examination of|
|Region of nova Sagittarii, 18^[[h]] 50^[[m]] -12.°5|136-147
||Variables 360-376|

|Map of the Sky.||
|Region|33, 22^[[h]] 0°|Variables 377-388|148-150

|Praesepe DM + 20° 2149|
|Examination of plates for variability|151

|Map of the Sky|||
|Region|39  10^[[h]] -30°|Variables 402-|161-


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