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Friday March 15, 1907

Map of the Sky 12L +60º

[[3 column table]]
 Var | Br | H
 --- | --- | ---
26 | 3466 800 | 7427 2475
26 [[image constellation | Varies from 8.5 about 1.5 magn 
L Urs. Maj. | |

On plate A [[strikethrough]]M[[/strikethrough]] C 3466 superposed with D12557 were discovered Nos. 21-26, of which nos. 21 and 23 are suspected No. 24 is known - Draconis and No. 24 is S Ursae Majoris, and No. 26 is L Ursae Maj.  No. 18 (R Ursae Maj) and 19 were rediscovered.
Total, [[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] 1 new
2 susp.
5 known

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Friday, March 22, 1907

Map of the Sky 12L +60º
2  Plate A [[strikethrough]]M[[/strikethrough]] C 6178 superposed with D12557=A [[strikethrough]]M[[/strikethrough]] C 7427

[[three column table]]
Var | Br | H
--- | --- | ---
X27 | 6178 [95] 2534 3187 | 7427 [100] 1550 (3737) 2475
28 [[image constellation]] | 3680 7066 7432 1196 | 
[[image constellation]] 27 | Var. prob. real. Difficult. susp list |
X28 | 1066 1196 [7.5] | 3737 7432 [8.0]
| Uncertain - susp. list |
[[image constellation]]29 29| 6178 800 1196 3737 8048 | 7247 7432 7066 3187 7545
| Varies from 9. about 0.8 magn | 
[[strikethrough]] 30 | 7432 800 2475 2534 | 6178
| Im. defratsin on Plates 6178 |
[[image constellation]]30 30 | 7247 7432 [9.4] (2475) | 6178 1550 [10.0] 2534 3680