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Saturday, March 2, 1907 

H1289 Variable 11 (Map of Sky 12h - 60°) Cont.

8.71 alpha 3V 9.01 [[underlined]] 0 [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 7 [[/underlined]]
Voc 9.04 9.04 [[underlined]] 0 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 4 [[/underlined]]
V3d 9.46 9.10 0 [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 2 
8.84 b3V 9.14  0 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 6 
V1 gamma 9.22 9.12 0 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 4
V4 delta 9.45 
[[underlined]] 9.[[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 05 [[/underlined]] 

9.40 d3v 9.70 0[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]] 08 

voe 9.66 9.66 0[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]] 04

v4f 9.91 9.51 [[underlined]] 1 [[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] 11 [[/underlined]]
9.45 delta 2V 9.65 [[strikethrough]] 02 [[/strikethrough]] 03 
V2 epsilon 9.76 9.56 [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 07 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] 06 [[/underlined]]
epsilon 2f 9.91 [[strikethrough]][[underlined]] 9.71 08 [[formula]]

B 18179
9.66 e1v 9.76 [[strikethrough]] 10 [[strikethrough]] 12
v4f 9.91 [[strikethrough]] 15 [[strikethrough]] 13
9.45 delta 2v 9.65 [[strikethrough]] 01 [[strikethrough]] 01
v1 epsilon 9.76 9.66 [[strikethrough]] 00 [[strikethrough]] 02
epsilon 2f 9.91 [[strikethrough]] 9.71 05 
[[strikethrough]] [[formula]] [[strikethrough]] [[formula]]

B 18282
9.22 gamma 3v 9.52 04
v0 delta 9.45 9.45 03
v3 epsilon 9.76 9.46 02
9.40 d1v 9.50 02
v2e 9.66 9.46 02 +6 -7 +/- 03\239 9.48

B 18 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[strikethrough]] 322
9.04 c2v 9.24 12
v2d 9.40 9.20 08
[[strikethrough]] gamma [[strikethrough]] v3 gamma 9.22 8.92 20

B 18671
9.40 d1v 9.50 01
v2e 9.66 9.46 03
9.45 delta 1v 9.55 06
v3 epsilon 9.76 9.46 03

B 21086
9.04 c1v 9.14 15
v3d 9.40 9.10 19
9.22 gamma 3v 9.52 23
v0 delta 9.45 9.45 16
v5 epsilon 9.76 9.26 03

B 21120
9.66 e2v 9.86 24
v3f 9.91 9.61 01
9.45 delta 1v 9.55 07
v3 epsilon 9.76 9.46 16

B 21124 edge diff.
9,40 d2v 9.60 06
v [[strikethrough]] 2 [[strikethrough]] 1e 9.66 9.56 02
9.45 delta 1v 9.55 01
v3 epsilon 9.76 9.46 08


Saturday, March 2, 1907

H 1289  Var. 11 cont.

B 21776
a2 alpha
8.71 alpha 2b
8.84 b4v 9.24 19
v0c 9.04 9.04 01
v3 gamma 9.22 8.92 13
v4d 9.40 9.00 05

B 21174 near edge diff.
a3 alpha
8.71 alpha 1v 8.81 08
v1b 8.84 8.74 01
v4c 9.04 8.64 09

B 27222 near edge diff.
9.04 c2v 9.24 [[strikethrough]] 01 [[strikethrough]] 15
v2d 9.40 9.20 [[strikethrough]] 03 [[strikethrough]] 19
9.22 gamma 4v [[strikethrough]] 8.82 [[strikethrough]] 9.62 [[strikethrough]] 41 [[strikethrough]] 23 [[formula]]
v0 delta 9.45 9.45 [[strikethrough]] 22 [[strikethrough]] 06
v3 epsilon 9.76 9.46 [[strikethrough]] 23 [[strikethrough]] 07 [[formula]] [[strikethrough]] [[formula]] [[strikethrough]] 

B 27300 n e very diff
8.71 alpha 2v 8.91 17
8.84 b2v 9.04 04
v0c 9.04 9.04 04
o2d 9.40 9.20 12
v1 gamma 9.22 9.12 04
v3 delta 9.45 9.15 07

B 27313 very diff.
8.71 alpha 4v 9.01 03
8.84 b4v 9.24 20
v1c 9.04 8.94 10
v4d 9.40 9.00 04
v2 gamma 9.22 9.02 02

AM 1825 edge
9.40 d3v 9.70 08
v1e 9.66 9.56 06
9.45 delta 2v 9.65 03
v2 epsilon 9.76 9.56 06

AM 1342
a4 alpha
8.71 alpha 2v 8.91 09
v1b 8.84 8.74 08

AM 758 edge
8.84 b3v 9.14 06
v1c 9.04 8.94 14
v2d 9.40 9.20 12
v2 gamma 9.22 9.02 06

AM 2506 edge
9.04 c3v 9.34 9.34 07 [[formula]]
v0 [[strikethrough]] gamma [[strikethrough]] d 9.40 9.40 13
v1 gamma 9.22 9.12 15
v2 delta 9.45 9.25 02 [[formula]]
v4e 9.66 9.26