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0.15   Wednesday, March 18, 1908

North Polar Sequence  AC 9284

copied [[strikethrough]] Distance from Center 109 [[\strikethrough]]

[[5 column table]]

Scale N | Sequence 13 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[\strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 2 [[\strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 4 [[\strikethrough]] | 9 ^[[h]] +72° |        |      |

    |Exp +90°|   |Exp +85° [[symbol-degree]]|     |

    |Dist from C. 109|    |Dist 75 millimeters|     |

a|4 [[strikethrough]]3[[\strikethrough]] ^[[2nd sc]] .7 4.3 [[strikethrough]].2[[\strikethrough]] 4.8|4.55 [[strikethrough]].00[[\strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 3 [[\underlined]] 2 [[strikethrough]]3[[\strikethrough]]|a ^[[2nd sc]] 5.7 5.3 5.1|5.20 1 [[underlined]] 1 [[\underlined]]|

b [[strikethrough]]B[[\strikethrough]]|4.8 4.4 [[strikethrough]].3[[\strikethrough]] 4.8|4.60 [[strikethrough]].55[[\strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 3 [[\strikethrough]] 2|e 7.8 [[strikethrough]].5[[\strikethrough]] 7.4 6.9|7.15 [[strikethrough]] 6.75 [[\strikethrough]] 2 [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]]|

f [[strikethrough]]F[[\strikethrough]]|7.8 7.4 [[strikethrough]].3[[\strikethrough]] 7.8|7.60 [[strikethrough]].55[[\strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 3 [[\strikethrough]] 2|c 6.7 6.3 5.8|6.05 3 [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]]|

d [[strikethrough]]D[[\strikethrough]]|6.4 6.0 [[strikethrough]]5.9[[\strikethrough]] 5.7|5.85 [[strikethrough]]0[[\strikethrough]] 2 [[strikethrough]]1[[\strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]|h 8.8 8.4 8.6|8.50 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 1|

h [[strikethrough]]H[[\strikethrough]]|8.7 8.3 [[strikethrough]].2[[\strikethrough]] 8.1|8.20 [[strikethrough]].15[[\strikethrough]] 1 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[\strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]|b 5.9 5.5 5.5|5.50 0 0|

c [[strikethrough]]C[[\strikethrough]]|5.5 5.1 [[strikethrough]].0[[\strikethrough]] 5.0|5.05 [[strikethrough]]0[[\strikethrough]] 1 [[strikethrough]]0[[\strikethrough]] 0|k         8.9|8.9  a|

l|        9.6|9.6       |d 7.0 6.6 6.3|6.45 2 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]|

e [[strikethrough]]E[[\strikethrough]]|7.1 6.7 [[strikethrough]].6[[\strikethrough]] 6.7|6.70 [[strikethrough]].65[[\strikethrough]] 0 [[strikethrough]]1[[\strikethrough]] 0|f 7.7 7.3 6.9|7.10 2 [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]]|

K|        9.6|9.6       |g 8.0 7.6 7.7|7.65 0 1|

g [[strikethrough]]G[[\strikethrough]]|8.6 8.2 [[strikethrough]].1[[\strikethrough]] 8.2|8.20 [[strikethrough]].15[[\strikethrough]] 0 [[strikethrough]]1[[\strikethrough]] 0|l         9.7|9.7       |

m [[strikethrough]]M[[\strikethrough]]|        9.9|9.9      |m         9.7|9.7       |

Measures almost impossible on account of poor images| n    10.0|10.0| 

   |      |[[equation]]|      |[[equation]]|



22.40 Thursday, March 19, 1908

Standard Sequence 13 [[strikethrough]]3[[\strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]4[[\strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]2[[\strikethrough]]  9 ^[[h]] +72°

copied Plate AC 9284

[[5 column table]]

Scale N|     |     |     |     |

    |Exp +80°|    |Exp +75|     |

    |Dist 47 mill|     |Dist from Centre 17 mill.|      |

a | ^[[2nd sc]] 5.8 5.4 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[\strikethrough]] 5.4|5.40 0 0|4.60 0 0|

e | [[strikethrough]] 6 [[\strikethrough]] 7.6 7.2 7.6|7.40 [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] 2|7.15 [[underlined]] 1 [/underlined]] 0|

c |6.8 6.4 [[strikethrough]] 4.8 [[\strikethrough]] 6.0|6.20 2 [[underlined]] 2 [[\underline]]|8.8   a|

b |6.4 6.0 5.7|5.85 2 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|7.60 [[underline]] 1 [[/underlined]] 1|

f |7.9 7.5 7.8|7.65 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 2|5.25 1 0|

k |8.8 8.4 8.7|8.55 [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] 1|6.10 2 [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined|

g |8.5 8.1 8.0|8.05 1 0|8.50 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 1|

d |7.4 7.0 7.4|7.20 [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] 2|5.95 1 [[underlined]] 2 [/underlined]]|

h |8.7 8.3 8.5|8.40 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 1|7.80 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 1|

l |9.2 8.8 8.9|8.85 0 1|9.3    a|

m |        9.5|9.5     |9.8     |

n |        9.7|9.7     |9.6     |

o | superposed |      |10.0     |

  |            | [[equation]] |    | [[equation]]|
