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2 KG11365.950 [[stamped]] Harvard University Library July 17 1956 [[/stamped]] Book XXVI Contents, continued. /Page. [[4 Columned Table]] /Standard Sequence. / Seq 18, /AC 9300 / 61, 62/ [[4 Columned Table]] /North Polar Sequence and Standard Sequence / / Plates having several exposures. / 63-97 [[3 Columned Table]] North Polar Sequence - / AC 8759 / 63, 64, 75 / / / AC 8756 / 65, 66, 75, 208 / / / AC 7694 / 67, 150, 151 / / / AC 7666 / 68 / / / I 28206 / 69-74 / / AC 9376 / 76-79, 82, 83 Standard Sequence / [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 14 / AC 9376 / 80-81 / / 6 / I 35230 / 84, 85 North Polar Sequence / I 35230 / 86-89 Standard Sequence / 15 / I 35231 / 90-91 North Polar Sequence / I 35231 / 92-94 / / I 35232 / 96, 97, 99 Standard Sequence / 24 / I 35232 / 98, 99, 100 Praesepe and North Polar Sequence / / Measures on T' plates / 101-111, 118-120 North Polar and Standard Sequences / 112-117, 121-125 T' Plates / AC 9473 / Standard Seq. 6 / 112, 113 / / 9475 / Standard Seq. 6 / 114 / / 9478 / Standard Seq. 15 / 115 / / 9470 / Standard Seq. 15 / 116 / / 9480 / Standard Seq. 24 / 117 / / 9505 / Standard Seq. 33 / 121 / / 9485 / Standard Seq. 33 / 122 / / 9502 / Standard Seq. 15 / 123 / / 9503 / Standard Seq. 24 / 124 / / 9519 / Standard Seq. 33 / 125 North Polar Sequence. / / I Plates taken with Large Priem . / 126-142 / / I 35368 / 126-128, 137 / / 35366 / 129-132, 136 / / 35365 / 133, 136 / / 35399 / 134-135, 138, 141, 142 / / 35398 / 139, 140 North Polar Sequence. / / Approximate Magnitudes of DM + 89 degrees 17, 88 degrees 117, and 88 degrees 131. Directly estimated in comparison until Prov. Ptg. Magn. / 143 3 Book XXVI Contents, continued. Page. /Bright Stars near North Pole. /Direct estimates on T' plates. 144-148 /152-154, 164 /174, 175 /North Polar Sequence [[Two column table]] Plates taken with whole and half aperture / 149, 157-161, 163, 180, 181 I plate 34622, 34926 / 155, 156 Plates taken with whole and half aperture / 157-161, 163, 180, 181 I 35142 / 162 Plates taken with wire screen / 165-170 M A plates 349, 275 {Argelauder's method page 173 / 171-173, 176 I plates taken with Large prism / 177, 178, 202, 205-207 H plates 179 Iceland Spar plates 182, 183 North Polar and Standard Sequences Measures on T' plates / 184-192 I 35327 Standard 15 / 184, 185 35274 Standard 15 / 186-187 35514 Standard 24 / 188, 189 35498 Standard 33 / 190, 191 Standard Sequences. Measures on AC 9495, Stan. Segs. band 12 / 192 AC 9495 24, 33, 16, 14/ 203,204 North Polar Sequence C plates, with two exposures with different apertures / 193-196, 201 Re-experimentation of plates for discordant measure / 208 Charts of faint stars in the Polar Sequence / 216-