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4 0.10 [[underline]] Thursday, November 21, 1907. [[/underline]] [[copied]] R Lyncis Scale measures of T'plate g34373 [[6 column table]] Polar Sequence Sequence for R Lyncis | | 4 | 2.0 | 2.2 | | | | 12 | 3.6 | 3.8 | | | | 16 | 4.7 | 4.9 | 4.9 | 4.9 | 00 | C^[[2]] | 5.6 | 5.8 | 5.7 | 5.75 | 0 [[underline]] 1 [[/underline]] | see remark page 8 [[strikethrough]] d | 5.9 | 6.1 | 6.6 | 6.35 | 32 [[/strikethrough]] | 11 | 2.8 | 3.0 | | 3.0 | a | | a | 2.6 | 2.8 | | 2.8 | a | | b | 4.4 | 4.6 | 4.4 | 4.50 | 1 [[underline]] 1[[/underline]] | 14a | 4.9 | 5.1 | 4.8 | 4.95 | 1 [[underline]] 2 [[/underline]] | | c^[[3]] | 5.8 | 6.0 | 5.8 | 5.90 | 1 [[underline]]1[[underline]] | e | 6.5 | 6.7 | 6.8 | 6.75| [[underline]] 1 [[/underline]] 0 | c^[[1]] | 5.3 | 5.5 5.3 | 5.40 | 1 [[underline]] 1 [[/underline]] | | f^[[1]] | 6.8 | 7.0 | 7.0 | 7.00 | 00 | 10 | 3.2 | 3.4 | | 3.4 | a. | l | | | 9.8 | | | | g | | | 8.2 | | | | k^[[3]] | | | 9.3 | | | | f^[[2]] | | | 7.7 | | | | h | | | 8.5 | | | | k^[[1]] | | | 8.9 | | | f^[[3]] | | | 8.0 | | | | k^[[4 ]]| | | 9.6 | | | | i | | | 8.4 | | | | | k^[[5]] | | | 9.8 | | | | k^[[2]] | | | 9.0 | | [[formula]] [[formula]] M.E.H. -7 + 4 = 11 11/16 (+- 0.688 [[underline]] 96 [[/underline]] 140 [[underline]] 158 [[/underline]] 120 +- 0.069 Sequence for R Lyncis | a) | 2.8 | 3.0 | | | | | c) | 3.4 | 3.6 | | | | | g) | 5.9 | 6.1 | 5.9 | 6.00 | 1 [[underline]] 1 [[/underline]] | e) | 4.8 | 5.0 | 4.8 4.90 | 1 [[underline]] 1 [[/underline]] | b) | 3.6 | 3.8 | | 3.8 | a | f^[[2]]) | [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 5.5 | 5.7 | 5.7 | 5.70 | 00 | h^[[1]]) | 5.9 | 6.1 || [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 6.1 | 6.10 | 00 | f^[[1]]) | 5.1 | 5.3 | 5.3 | 5.30 | 00 | k) | 6.5 | 6.7 | 7.1 | 6.90 | [[underline]] 2 [[/underline]] 2 | h^[[2]]) | 6.7 | 6.9 | 6. [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 8 | 6.85 | 10 | m) | 6.9 | 7.1 | 7.1 | 7.10 | 00 | l) | 7.0 | 7.2 | 7.6 | 7.40 | [[underline]] 2 [[/underline]] 2 | d | 4.1 | 4.3 | | 4.3 | a. | | g) | | | 8.9 | | | | [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] n) | | | 7.6 | | | o^[[2]] | | | 8.3 | | | [[formula]] [[formula]] This should be 8.8. Examined Oct. 19, 1912. L. M. E. H. 5 Thursday, November 21, 1907 Sequence for R Lyncis [[4 column table]] Prismatic comparisons | Prismatic comparisons 2nd scale | Polar sequence prismatic comparisons | Polar sequence Prismatic comparisons 2nd scale b | 8.2 | a | 7.4 d | 8.7 | b | 8.8 a | 7.8 | 14a | 9.2 c | image defective | 12 | 8.6 e | 9.2 | 16 | image defective f^[[1]] | 9.4 | c^[[1]] | 9.5 f^[[2]] | 9.8 | 10 | 7.9 g | n.s. | c^[[2]] | 9.8 | | | 11 | 8.1 | | | c^[[3]] | 10.0 0.40 M.E.H.