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Friday, November 22,1907

copied on sheet

Copied		R Lyncis Scale measures of T’plates Repeated
Observations of  	| L 34373	| See page 4
        |        |        |  alt. [[?]]|      | 
Scale M Diff    | Polar Sequence |              | Sequence for R Lyncis|             | 
|            |            | h4  Meas Res|         |Meas Curve reading Magn.|
+3:98	      11| 3.2 3:4        |   3:0 3:20 20 20|b 3.6 3:8   ^[[Page 4]] 3:8|3:80 0 0 .   . |
 3:49	       a| 2.8 3:0        |   2:8 2:90 10 10|d 4.0 4:2               4:3|4:25 0 1 [[strikethrough]]1 3:60 [[\strikethrough]]  [[strikethrough]] 7.85 [[\strikethrough]] |
 3:59	   m.l 4| 1.9 2:1        |   2:2 
2:1[[strikethrough]] 2 [[\strikethrough]]5  05 05|a 2.8 3:0               3:0|3:00 0 0 .   . |
 3:63	      10| 3.1 3:3        |   3:4 3:35 05 05|g 5.9 6:1 5.8 5:95 1 2 6:00|5:98 03 02 3:68 +/- 9.66 ^[[.79]]|
	      16| 4.8 5:0 5.1 5:05|01 4:90 4:98 07 08|e 4.6 4:8 4.9 4:85 0 1 4:90|4:88 03 02 3:60 8.48^[[.61]] |
	      12| 3.7 3:9     3:9|a  3:8[[strikethrough]] 6 [[\strikethrough]] 3:85 05 05|c' ^[[hm[[symbol]]]] 4.2 4:4 4:4 a  3:6|3.60  .  . |
 3:60	       b| 4.3 4:5     4:5|a  4:50 4:50 00 00|f^2 5.4 5:6 5.6 5:60 0 0 5:70|5:65 05 05 3:66 9.31^[[.44]]|
 3:51	       e| 4.9 5:1 5.6 5:35|3 2 5:40 5:38[[strikethrough]]42[[\strikethrough]] 03 02|h' 6.2 6:4 6.7 6:55 2 1 6:10|6:32 23 22 3:70 10.02 ^[[.15]]|
Reject Film scratched Correct obs. impossible	[[strikethrough]] d |6.4 6.6 5.9 [[/strikethrough]] |            |f' 4.9 5:1 5.6 5:35 3 2 5:30|5:32 03 02 3:63 8.95 ^[[9.08]]|
 3:64        C^2| 5.6 5:8 5.8 5:80|0 0 5:75 5:78 02 03|h^2 6.8 7:0 6.8 6:90 1 1 6:85|6:88 02 03 3:76 10.64 ^[[.77]]| 
 3:72       14.a| 4.9 5:1 4.9 5:00|1 1 4:95 4:98 02 03|m           7.2[[strikethrough]]6.9[[\strikethrough]]     7:10|7:15 0 1 3:79 10.94 ^[[11.08]] |
               e| 6.7 6:9     6:9|a   6:75 6:82 08 09|o^2         8.0          8:3|8:15 2 1 3:96 12.11 ^[[.25]]|
              f'| 6.8 7:0 7.4 7:20|2 2 7:00 7:10 10 10|m           7.5          7:6|7:55 1 0 3:84 11[[strikethrough]]3[[\strikethrough]].39 ^[[.53]]|
 3:81 [[strikethrough]] 3:78 [[\strikethrough]] Ex.30 [[?]] |     5.8 6:0 5.9 5:95|0 1 5:90 5:92 03 02|q[[?]]      8.7          8:9|8:80 1 1 4:17 12.97 ^[[13.11]] | 
 3:84        f^2|         7.6    |     7:7 7:65 05 05|n^2         9.6          9:6|9:60 0 0 4:40 14.00 ^[[.14]]|
 3:88          g|         8.6    |     8:2 8:40 20 20|B^2         7.8          7:8|7:80 0 0 3:87 11.64 ^[[.81]]|
 4:38        k^3|         9.4    |     9:3 9:35 05 05|k           7.0          6:90|6:95 0 1 3:77 10.72 ^[[.85]]|
               i|         8.7    |     8:4 8:55 15 15|n'          9.1          9:3|9:20 1 1 4:29 13.49 ^[[.63]]|
             k^4|         9.8    |     9:6 9:70 10 10|t          10.0          9:9|9:95 0 1 4:49 14.44 ^[[.58]]|
 3:92        f^3|         8.0    |     8:0 8:00 00 00|h           8.8          8:8|8:80 0 0 4:17 12.97 ^[[13.11]]|
 4:04          h|         8.6    |     8:5 8:55 05 05|o           9.8          9:9|9:85 0 1 4:45 14.30 ^[[.44]]|
 4:25         k'|         9.0    |     8:9 8:95 05 05|l           7.5          7:40^[[another star almost superposed]]|7:45 1 0 3:83 11.28 ^[[.42]] ^Oct. 10 [[strikethrough]]2[[]strikethrough]], 1912 0.R.]]|    
               l|        10.0    |     9:8' 9:90 10 10| [[equation]] |
 i           k^2|         9.1    |     9:0 9:05 05 05| [[equation]] |
 4:39 ^[[Oct 10;12]] k^5| 9.8    |     9:8 9:80 00 00| [[equation]] |
 M.E.H.         |  [[equation]]  |   [[equation]]|*Original marks of designations lost. Reject this measure H.S.L.  Nov. 09,1914.        |           |


Friday, November 2, 1907

See page 5

     |Prismatic| companions of 934373 | Repeated observations|
    |      | alt. +0.04] |          |         |
    |R Lyncis ^[[2nd scale P.4]]| Meas. curve reading Magn.| Polar Sequence ^[[P.5]]|
   b|8.1 8:21|8:15 1 0 -0.86 7.29 ^[[.42 [[strikethrough]]3[[\strikethrough]]]] |a 7.2 7.4 7:30 1 1 -0.91|
   d|8.7 8:7 |8:70 0 0 -0.71 7.99 ^[[8.12]]|14a 9.3 9.2 9:25 0 1 [[strikethrough]]05 05 [[\strikethrough]] -0.55|
  f'|9.3 9:4 |9:35 1 0 -0.52 8.83 ^[[.96]]|4 im def.   |
im def c| 9.1 . |     |11 7.9 8.1 8:00 1 1 -0.82|
def on film close to im f^2| 9.9 9:8|9:85 1 0 -0.36 9.49 [[strikethrough]]8[[\strikethrough]] ^[[.52]]|c' 9.2 9.5 9:35 1 2 -0.46|
   a|7.7 7:8|7:75 1 0 -0.95 6.80 ^[[.92]]|b 8.9 8.8 8:85 0 1 -0.75
   e|9.3 9:2|9:25 1 0 -0.54 8.71 ^[[.84]]|12 8.7 8.6 8:65 0 1   |
    |       |        |16 9.3 R 9:3 no def.|
    |       |        |c^2 9.7 9.8 9:75 0 1 -0.33|
    |       |        |10 8.1 7.9 8:00 1 1 -1.02 [[strikethrough]] -0.82 [[\strikethrough]]
    |       |        |c^3 10.1 10.0 10:05 0 1 -0.32|
    |       |        | [[equation]] |
    |*Residuals taken in reverse order.|       |            |
    |       |        |Reductions made Oct. 10, 1912.|
23.45|     |         |       |
M.E.H.|    |       |       |