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23.30 [[underline]] Wednesday, May 13, 1908 [[\underline]]

[[?]] Polar sequence ^[[Plot 5]]

[[underline]] Sept 27-1919 [[\underline]] copied I35232  Take mean +89° [[strikethrough]] 86° [[\strikethrough]] and +90° [[strikethrough]] 87° [[\strikethrough]]  ^[[ [[underline]] Sept 27 1919 [[\underline]] ]]

[[12 Column Table]]

Scale M|^[[Diff]]|   |No.| +90 [[symbol-arrow]] |     | No. | Exp +89 |   | No. | +90 | +89 | Mean |

5 |3.54|a^1|5|2.6 2.8     2.8|[[strikethrough]] 2.8 [[\strikethrough]] a .|a^1 5|2.9 3.1    3.1|a .|5|2.80|3.10|2.95 ^[[ [[underline]] 15 [[\underline]] 15 ]]|

6 |3.21|b^1|8|4.9 5.1 5.1 5.10|[[strikethrough]] 5.10 [[\strikethrough]] 0 0|b^1 8|4.9 5.1 5.0 5.05|1 0|6|3.90|3.90|3.90 ^[[0 0]]|

8 |3.15|c^1|10|5.8 6.0 5.9 5.95|[[strikethrough]] 5.95 [[\strikethrough]] 0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|a^5  |4.2 4.4 4.6 4.50|[[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 1|8|5.10|5.05|5.08 ^[[02 [[underline]] 03 [[\underline]] ]]|

9 |3.01|c^3|12|6.5 6.7 6.7 6.70|[[strikethrough]] 6 [[\strikethrough]] 0 0|c^4  |5.6 5.8 5.8 5.80|0 0|9|5.85|5.80|5.82 ^[[03 [[underline]] 02 [[\underline]]]]|

10|3.07|b^2|9|5.7 5.9 5.8 5.85|    1 0|c^1 10|5.8 6.0 5.9 5.95|0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 10 5.95 5.95 5.95 ^[[0 0]]|

11|3.05|c^5| |6.4 6.6 6.7 6.65|    0 1|c^5  |6.7 6.9 6.8 6.85|1 0|11|6.60|6.40 [[strikethrough]] 7.05 [[\strikethrough]] 6.50 ^[[1 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]]]|

12|3.14|f^1| |        7.7 7.7 |     . a|a^3 6|3.7 3.9     3.9|a .|12|6.70 6.75 6.72 ^[[[[underline]] 02 [[\underline]] 03]]|

13|3.30|e| |6.9 7.1 7.3 7.20|[[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 1|b^2 9|5.7 5.9 5.7 5.80|1 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|13|6.95|7.05|7.00 ^[[[[underline]] 05 [[\underline]] 05]]|

17|3.78|a^5| |4.7 4.9 4.7 4.80|    1 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|c^3 12|6.5 6.7 6.8 6.75|[[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 0|17|7.80|7.90|7.85 ^[[[[underline]] 05 [[\underline]] 05]]|

18|3.56|c^4| |5.7 5.9 5.7 5.80|    1 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|e  |7.0 7.2 7.3 7.25|0 1|18|8.50|8.50|8.50 ^[[0 0]]|

19|3.72|a^3|6|3.7 3.9     3.9|     a .|c^2 11|6.1 6.3 6.5 6.40|[[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 1|19|8.70|q|8.70 ^[[[[underline]] q [[\underline]]]]|

20|3.93|c^2|11|6.4 6.6 6.6 6.60|    0 0|d 13|6.8 7.0 7.1 7.05|0 1|20|8.80|8.80|8.80 ^[[0 0]]|

23|3.94|b^3| |         |      |f^1  |[[strikethrough]] 7.7 [[\strikethrough]]    7.7     |[[equation]]|23|9.50|9.30|9.40 ^[[1 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]]]|

25|4.12|d|13|6.8 7.0 6.9 6.95|     0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|f^3 18|[[strikethrough]] 8.5 [[\strikethrough]]   8.5   |[[equation]]|25|9.80|9.70|9.75 ^[[05 [[underline]] 05 [[\underline]]]]|

26|  . |f^3|18|        8.5     | [[equation]] |g 19|too nearby superposed   |    |26|q|q|    |

  |    |k^3|25|        9.8     | [[equation]] |k^3 25|[[strikethrough]] 9.7 [[\strikethrough]]    9.7   |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |g|19|       8.7      |    |f^2 17|    7.9   |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |k^1|23|        9.5     |     |k^4  |     9.8   |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |l|  |       10.3     |    |[[strikethrough]] g [[\strikethrough]]  |     |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |i|  |        9.0     |    |i  |   9.1   |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |f^2|17|        7.8   |   |l  |   10.3   |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |k^4|  |       10.0   |    |k^1 23|    9.3   |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |h|20|       8.8      |    |h 20|    8.8   |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |k^2|  |        9.7   |   |k^2  |   sup.   |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |k^5|26|       sup.   |   |k^5 26|       |  |  |  |  |  |

  |    |[[strikethrough]] e [[\strikethrough]]|  |[[strikethrough]] 7.3 [[\strikethrough]]|    |[[strikethrough]] c^2 [[\strikethrough]]|     |  |  |  |  |  |



Wednesday May 13, 1908

North Polar Sequence   Prismatic Companions

copied  I 35232  Take mean +89° [[strikethrough]] 86 [[\strikethrough]] and +90° [[strikethrough]] 87 [[\strikethrough]]

Scale M

[[3 column table]]

  | No. | Exp +90 |

[[strikethrough]] 1s [[\strikethrough]] A|1s|4.7 4.9 4.9 49.0 0 0|

a^1|5|       7.8|

b^1|8|       8.6|

b^2|9|       9.8|

a^5|2N|      sup|

c^4|4N|      def|

c^1|10|      9.8|

c^2|11|     n.s.|

a^3|6|       8.3|

[[3 column table]]

No.|   |Exp +89

1s|A|4.7 4.9 4.7 4.80 1 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|

5|a^1|        7.7|

8|b^1|        9.1|

9|b^2|        9.7|

6|a^3|        8.3|

2N|a^5|        8.9|

4N|c^4|        9.8|

10|c^1|        9.8|

11|c^2|       10.2|

12|c^3|       n.s.|

Mean     Diff.
^[[No]] 5 4.85 05 [[underline]] 05 [[\underline]]
7.75 05 [[underline]] 05 [[\underline]]

[[6 column table]]

No|  |  |Mean|  |Diff.|

5|7.80|7.70|7.75|05 [[underline]] 05 [[\underline]]|-1.26|

6|8.30|8.30|8.30|0 0|-1.19|

8|8.60|9.10|8.85|[[underline]] 25 [[\underline]] 25|-0.62|

9|9.80|9.70|9.75|05 [[underline]] 05 [[\underline]]|-0.92|

10|9.80|9.80|9.80|0 0|-0.78|

11| . |10.2|10.20|. [[underline]] a [[\underline]]|-0.65|

12| . | . |    |


Transcription Notes:
1. how do we handle the diagonal notes above column headers?