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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Friday, May 17, 19[[strikethrough]] 11 [[/strikethrough]]12

[[strikethrough]] U Cephei [[/strikethrough]] Nova Geminorum No. 2

| MN 576 Duplicate exposures. Each exp. 30^m | Adopted Mean From mean with [[?]] [[?]] and mean sum of grades| M N 576 Estralis m gradis Plats Reversed| 

014.4 | E 1 | 13.1 | 13.4| E | 13.23 012 | E 13.23 00,00 | | | [[?]] | Sun Magn.

E 13.2 | E2 | 13.7 |13.7 | E^2 | 13.70 |000 ^47 | E^2 | 13.72 | 02,03 | E3  E2 | E 4 E^3 [[strikethrough]]35 | 01[[/strikethrough]] | E |35 | 10 | 0.00 | 13.23

3 14.2 | E^3 | 13.7 | 13.7 | E^3 | 13.80 | 211 ^10 | E^3 | 13.74 | 06,06 | E^2 [[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] 0 E^3 | E^3 1 E^2 | [[strikethrough]]05 | 01 [[/strikethrough]] | E^2 | 05 | 01 | 0.35 | 13.75

Transcription Notes:
There are a few columns I couldn't transcribe, plus a small table between the columns that is striked through but I did my best to my knowledge, saving it for next transcriptionist]