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[[inside cover page]]

KG 11365.959

JUL 17 1956


Contents of Book 36. H.S.L.

[[2 columned table]]
|C1 MW Plate 2137 32-in ap.|5-7,|
|Polar Seq. MW 1327, Iso. ap. 32-in|8-1[[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]1|
|  MW 1313|12-15|
|R Lyncis   Exam. for Var. in Comp. Stars p,g,r^[[1]],r^[[2]]|16|
|  Est. of intervals for New Comp Stars o^[[3]], p^[[1]], q^[[1]]|17|
|Polar Seg. Yellow. Exam. of MW plates for Rejection for Dist. (Dist. mns)|18(28)|
|  MW 1332, 1360 Est. in Grades|19,20|
|    Scale Measures|21-25|
|    Diameters |26-33|
|C10 Estimates of faint stars. MW Plates|34-36|
|H.S. Regions. Exam. of Plates for Discordant Magn.|37-39|
|Polar Sequence. H 1464 (with Diffr. Grating|40,41|
[[/underlined]]3 Diff. Foci[[/underlined]]. Polar Seq. and 20 Sequences on MC 7976 (3 Different Foci)|42-109|
|Sequences P, T, U, V, W, delta on all 3 exposures|100-109|
|Polar Seq. Examination of MW & H plates for Definition|110-112|
|H.S. Region E1 Estimates of Grades|113|
|  E2 Estimates of Grades|114|
|Limiting Magn., Yellow Plates, for Comparison with McCormick|116,117|
|Pleiades. Direct estimates of Photovisual Magnitudes|119|
|H.S. Reg, C[[subscript]]1[[/subscript]], C[[subscript]]2[[/subscript]], C[[subscript]]3[[/subscript]], C[[subscript]]4[[/subscript]], C[[subscript]]5[[/subscript]] [[underline]]Yellow [[/underline]] Revision of Sequences|120, 121|
D[[subscript]]9[[/subscript]] Estimates of Faint Stars in Terms of Diffraction Images|122,124,125|
C[[subscript]]5[[/subscript]] Estimates of Faint Stars in Terms of Diffraction Images|123|
D[[subscript]]5[[/subscript]] Estimates of Faint Stars in Terms of Diffraction Images|126|
South Pole Estimates of Faint Stars in Terms of Diffraction Images|127-130|
|Estimates of Faint Stars in Terms of Prismatic Comparisons||131-134|
|E8 Estimates of Sequence in Terms of C11|135-137|
|South Pole. Estimates of prismatic comparisons in terms of bright stars|138-158|
|  (For determining variation in Reduction Constant)|   |

Transcription Notes:
Try pages with tables. Look at completed pages for wording and formatting