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Wednesday, October 20 1915

Estimates (cont.)
                                        Plate reused

AI 922   Plate reused [?]      AI 1009
8.2 8.4 2                           8.2 8.4 2

AI935                         AI 1017
too poor  t.p.                     you poor tp.

AIq42                           AI 1044
    8.2 8.3 1                      7.7 7.8 1

AIq61                           AI 1032
  tap. t.p.                        too poor t.p.

AIq88                           AI 1060
   7.9 8.2 3 Secp34 [?]            8.0 8.0 0
AI973                           AI 1084
  8.4 8.4 0                        7.8 7.8 0

AI993                           AI 1114 not ident. 
7.9 7.9 0                           7

AI1471                          AI 1116
  too poor t.p.                   7.8 7.9 1 

AI1477                          AI 1124
too poor tp                           7.9 7.8 1 
Diff    no.                           Diff
0        2                              0     2
-1       1                             -1     2
-2       1                             -2     1
-3       1                             -3
                                       +1     1


Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1915

Estimates (cont)

Plate reused. | Plate reused

AI1135 |aI1685
7.9 7.8 1 | 7.8 7.9 1

AI1513 | aI1715
8.2 8.0 2 | 7.9 7.9 0

Up [[?]] to this pt [[??]]
8.00 +6.0 aI1539 | aI1767
Project [[/strikethrough]] 8.2 t.p. [[/strikethrough]] | t.p. tp.

aI1563 | aI1781
7.9 8.1 2 | t.p. tp.

aI1578 | aI1801
7.8 7.9 1 | 8.0 8.3 3 Sep 3 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 5

aI1587 | aI1832
too from [[?]] t.p. | 8.3 8.0 ? 3 Sep [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 5

aI1612 | aI1840
Project [[strikethrough]] 7.8 t.p. [[/strikethrough]] | 8.4 8.3 1

aI1631 | aI1881
7.8 7.8 0 | 8.5 8.2 3 Sep 3 5

aI1647 | aI1896
7.9 7.8 1 | too ft. t.p.

Diff No. | diff
0 1 | o 1 
-1 1 | -1 1
-2 1 | -3 1
+1 2 | +1 1
+2 1| +3 2

Transcription Notes:
There were intonations on the numbers that were impossible to replicate. The intonations looked like v symbols