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Guadalcanal shows up a high, rugged profile. Sand shores. Isabel in sight. 
No reef on eastern side & deep water between the small islands, so there are heavy seas during the T.E. season.
[[strikethrough]]Chart wrong[[/strikethrough]] Talina. [[strikethrough]] Lever of [[/strikethrough]] Malaita Co. place. Crescent shaped island of 500 hundred acres, totally cleared & planted, stumps of giant trees standing among the coco-nuts. Usual [[strikethrough]]p[[/strikethrough]] managers house, boys [[strikethrough she [[/strikethrough house & copra shed. Whole place run by 50 natives ^[[mostly on tasks]] (7 beetle boys). Only [[underline]]B. froggats?? [[/underline]] does much harm. [[underline]] Xylotrupes [[/underline]] bought. 3 for a stick.
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A ledge runs off the 
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shore thirty to 40 feet. coral shelves to 30 feet.
Hill about 100 ft. depress-
ion in center of island. 
[[strikethrough]] to a few feet height [[/strikethrough.
Village of Luni. 
Crested houses. Indifferent 
people. Few ornaments. 
Sand shells. Bird & [[??catonised]] [[strikethough]] red hair [[/strikethrough]] Yellow haired. Grass skirted women. 
Coral wharf. Work of priests. Reef extends out 100 feet. off village. then every deep.
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To Main island. Malaita Co's. Nandina. biggest plantation in Solomons, about 2000 acres now planted. Copra drying apparatus, hot air system. Night. Rain. Leaky canvas.
Abbott went to small island