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Oysters, crab, Frogs.!

To New Georgia,
Wawthorn sound. Plantations. Gardens. N.W. Boat. to Rubiana Lagoon.

To Rendova in whale boat. Close to shore. Many little villages; in one boys coming from church. 

The ad boat boy.
Norman he snort too much swam like Hell. 
German he 1 [[or I]] fellow no more. English he got plenty fellow help him.
(Malaita woman. C. he stop nothing.
Into Big lagoon
Through a shallow passage - boat on

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bottom, across a big passage.
Shed. Coconut drier - confectionary. Low bush yellow [[underlined]] Anochetus [[/underlined]]. Swamp [[strikethrough]] By  House [[/strikethrough]] N.W. Clear night. Fish at Scotchman's place. -- cockatoo. Island of [[?]]. Not sand. pile village. [[underlined]] Lena [[/underlined]]!!! Cobra store. Night voyage. This shore steep hilly.

Betelelzema -
Wesleyan Mission. Cleared. Samoan missionary in semi native [[??pronga]]. 
Across to Kepi. Mosquitoes. Deserted. Canoe - wooden shells.
To Java.