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a lot of heavy climbing to do; then steep muddy down trails mostly in 3 or 4 ft. jumps.  Several [[underlined]]deserted[[/underlined]] villages.  One near upland taro patch of several acres - had people in it.  The chief, [[strikethrough]] [[Tao-so?]] [[/strike-through]] [[Lairmu bosa?]], came along with us.  Dressed with German arm bands, & string of shell money, a [[back?]] band of the latter around body like a scarf, another around neck.  Rest of costume rings in ears, string of shell money below knee & a Salvation Army cap on head.

To Toupandea.  Big spring from hillside small cascade. 5 big bamboo spouts carrying it to road; stream in gully beneath 

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A dozen ☿☿ down to see us.  Several ta nymphs; some naked; others more modest, with leaves & some with calico.
Film box & paper eagerly seized.
Slight rain.
Up very steep hill; & down to [[Telu?]] River, clean & swift.  Cliffs [[image: strata of rocks]] upheaved & bent strata, to 4 inches thick each ten feet through; granite boulders in stream. Boys plunged.

Up another high hill to a cleared place used for dances; up still higher. [[underlined]] Lammox!  [[/underlined]] At the top we could not see any distance, so did not know where we were.