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Passed another lot of bush men armed with axes, clam-crescents common among them.
The ground became swampy with roots to trip over. At last could see the sea, less than a half mile away; quick walk with steady down grade, then flat. [[strikethrough]] bamboo [[/strikethrough]] weedy road, thru village to beach.  Boat on its way to meet us.  [[Afasa?]] looked mighty good.

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To Auki Bed.
Left at 1, Oct. 2d.  Down coast to Bitama narrow sheltered bay.  Outer peninsula coral, much broken by waves. Chief bay for porpoise driving. Boys

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cooked rice ashore.
Frogs - same calls as in hills.  Sacred shack. tabu ground. 
Left at day break for Isabel. ^[[Tale of tunnel through island.]]  Smooth sea.  Whale.  Rained tonight.

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Camp, apparantly possessed of a devil, is talking temptingly.

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Tuinao, District of Aisini. Cliff. Proff. new red & white sweater & striped [[suite?]] - from Fiji.  Took him on board.  Canoe met him.

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Nov. 3 - 16.
Arrived Fulakora
(Mrs. C.R. Bignell).
House on cleared hill