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sparrows. They sang. One was an especially fine singer he gave: [[squiggly underline]] kwur he hed I peabody peabody [[/squiggly underline]]. The first note was the rising inflection and sounded as sweet as an organ. They seemed never to have done.

Then I went home.

April 29, Monday.

This morning I saw Two Chimney Swifts flying around high up. Heard a Bobolink singing In the air. I always see the first one as it flies over singing.

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Heard a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak singing.

Several Baltimore Oriole's were hunting in the trees. Heard a Spotted Sandpiper as it flew over.
A Towhee singing up on the hill.

This evening a Whippoorwill sang several times.

April 30, Tuesday.

This morning There was a male Purple Martin on Seeley's house.
Chimney Swifts were quite thick. A great number of Cliff Swallows were