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lots of birds. I was walking along the river bank when I saw a movement in the bushes and weeds below me. I stood still and a Sora stepped into sight. It did not notice me but it seemed to think that something was wrong. It was very handsome. It twisted its head around and quirked its tail in a queer way. It stepped around gingerly and finally flew a little ways in a weak fluttering way to another willow clump and hid

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so that I could not find it.
Heard a Least Flycatcher.
Then I went home.

After breakfast I went over in F. Hackett's woods.

Red-eyed and Warbling Vireos were numerous and I saw saw several Yellow-throated Vireos.
Heard a peculiar wren like song. It was made of harsh notes like that which a House Wren starts its song with. I had some difficulty in locating it. Finally I traced it to a tall tree and