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This evening Art Rudy and I went up on the hill to hear the Whippoorwills. We did not get west far enough to have them light above us. There were 6 or 8 of them
Once 4 sang together. It was a confused noise with [[underlined]]whip[[/underlined]] notes running through it.
May 10, Friday.
Tonight after school I heard several Wood Thrushes singing.
Saw 3 Martins flying around Saw a Chest-nut sided warbler in Trumbull's trees. It sang.
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May 11, Saturday.
This morning Art Rudy and I took our dinners and went down the track. By the depot a pair of Bank swallows have started to dig their nests.
In that Bluebird's nest in the hollow post there were young.
Saw a Yellow Warbler in [[Vock's?]] marsh. It was singing.
Many birds were along the track to pick up gravel. Saw a Prairie Horned Lark Vesper Sparrows and 4 Mourning Doves eating gravel close to one another.