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kept up an eternal chatter. Fritz [[Kapelke?]] showed me a Chipping Sparrow's nest in a gooseberry bush. The female sat on it while I looked at her. The nest contained 4 eggs. Went over to the Bluffs. Saw the old partridge on her nest. She looked very large. She never moved and I could hardly distinguish her from the leaves. Saw two or 3 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. When the old Cooper's Hawk saw me coming she flew off.
It looked like rain and I went into the little cave. The male Grouse began to drum.
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It was like: [[underlined]]thrump thrump thrump thrumpthrumpthrump thrump thr-r-r-r-r-r-r[[/underlined]] growing faster all the time. He drummed at intervals of about 4 minutes. After a little the female flew off the nest to where he was. I went up and counted the eggs. She had laid another making 13. Then I went home.
May 13, Monday.
Tonight after school Jim Seeley and I went down in the marsh. Saw a Ruby-throated Hummingbird. We went through the marsh looking for Soras. After we had gone
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