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June 9, Saturday

This morning Clarence Cook and I drove down to Curtiss's to make a picture of some young Owls. Saw a great number of Vesper Sparrows. They were in full song. A number of Crows were flying around. Saw a lot of Red-headed Woodpeckers on the telegraph poles. They had nests in them. Heard a few Grasshopper Sparrows. Saw a single Dickcissel on a telephone wire.

When we got there the Owls were dead. They were Long-eared Owls. The nest was 

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in a small birch, and looked like a crow's nest. It was in a thick swampy piece of ground.
Catbirds, Brown Thrashers and other thicket loving birds were there in great abundance. I found 3 Brown Thrashers nests within a few rods of each other. Found a young Bluejay just out of the nest. It was sitting on the ground in the shade and when I took into the bright sun to be photographed it turned is bill straight up and went to sleep.

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were very thick. Saw one Killdeer.