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It acted as if it had a nest. Then we went home.

June 10,Monday

This forenoon it rained hard. Found a full grown young Bluejay that had its wings wet and could not fly. I caught it easily. By the big box-elder in the wood-yards I caught some young Rose-breasted grosbeak's. They were not afraid but the female was much agitated. Saw a Kingbird do a queer thing. It was flying along and gave a number of notes like: [[wavy underline]]krrrrt [[?oyrse]]

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sis[[/wavy underline]]. at the beginning of the last 3 it would turn down quickly and then fly on like [[best guess: illustration of a bird's flight]]. It looked like a jirky skydance.

St. Paul, Minn.

This afternoon I went up to St Paul. In Elroy and other towns I saw a few Purple Martins. It was wet and marshy in most places and I saw many Red-winged Blackbirds. A single Bronzed Grackle was seen. Field and Song Sparrows were very thick. Pigeon, Sparrow, sharp-shinned and Cooper's Hawk were