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35. Redstart
36. Calbird
37. House Wren
38. Wood Thrush
39. Robin

June 24, Monday.

This morning Edmund and I took out a car to the Indian Mounds. We had our dinner. Went on down to the river. Saw some young white-breasted Nuthatches just out of the nest. They sat quietly waiting their turn to be fed.

By the round house we saw a number of House Sparrow's nests in a ledge of Rocks in holes. Went on to the river. House

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Wren were common. Saw a nest in a Woodpecker hole. It contained young. A well trodden path ran along the river. I was glad to get into Heavy wooded bottoms again. On summit the woods are oak. Here a queer wild reedy flutelike song coming apparently from nowhere. A repetition gave the direction but it always seemed to be the same distance away. Finally I saw the bird. The upperparts were olive brown. White line over eye, underparts white, streaked with black. It was the Wilson's Thrush.