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A little farther on we came to a number of sloughs and had to take off our shoes. Here we saw a few Black terns. Near a little pond I heard a sharp note which I knew came from a Spotted Sandpiper. Edmund had never seen one so we hunted for it. It was sitting on a limb–which was something new to me–that stuck out of the ground. I thought from its movements that it had young as it ran along in front fluttering its wings. Its mate joined it. I went up to where it had been sitting and a young

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one ran out of the grass. I had expected to find it along the water. I caught and it gave a note like [[underlined]]tseep[[/underlined]]. Something like a young dove. The upper parts were fawn changing to grey on the head; Black stripe on crown, back and through eye; underparts white; Tail represented by a few long hairs; bill slate banded with a black band and tipped with white [[?tarsers]], yellow and slate. Thigh streaked and spotted with black. [[strikethrough]]It[[/strikethrough]]

It took to the water like a young duck. It went into the pond of its own accord. When I tried to catch it it dove and