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after breakfast I went down below again. Saw a Redstart flutter and climb up the steep side of an old elm that slanted like this [/ diagram]. It picked out the insects from the bark and gave a twittering song. 

Saw a Chipping Sparrow feeding her young just out of the nest. 

In Seeley's Marsh were about 20 Bobolink's.  They had shed their tails and were not very wild. flight seemed to be a matter of great difficulty and was accomplished with a noisy flapping of the wings. Perhaps this accounted for their tameness.

Saw a few Red-wings and Song Sparrows and a single

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Dickcissel. Heard a Rose-breasted Grosbeak give a low squeeky hesitating song.
Crossed the river in a boat and watched four Bobwhites; two males and two females. They were feeding like chickens in a grassy meadow I sneaked up and watched them from behind a bank. The male acted like a rooster. They did not know what I was and when I stood up staid still for a minute in complete astonishment.

Saw a Kingbird eating Black Cherries across the river and a Red-head fed her young on them.